How To Become A Snapchat Creator In 2022? 2 Easy Ways!


Snapchat is one of the biggest social media platforms out there! There is no better time than right now to be a creator on the platform. Though Snapchat has been shrinking its creator fund recently, there’s still hope for us all! Today, we will tell you all about how to become a Snapchat creator in 2022. Is it worth it or not, remains a topic for another debate!

Snapchat has cool features like 3D bitmojis, and AR shopping and lets you keep streaks with your friends. Working to increase its users Snapchat is constantly looking to add new things to its roster too. Snapchat+ is one of the things that comes to mind. Becoming a creator on Snapchat helps you earn money, increase your reach and take your content creation journey to a whole new level.

So, how to become a Snapchat creator? Well, there is no guidebook or handbook that explains a step-by-step process on how to do it. Most of the people who become full-time creators on Snapchat are already content creators on other major social media platforms. Some of the ones who keep their work limited to Snapchat have built up a huge following. This has resulted in them becoming official creators for Snapchat.

To become a creator on Snapchat, you first need a creator account. An account that is public, holds a lot of influence, and has a huge following. The content you create on this profile also needs to have a high engagement rate. Unfortunately, not everyone can get a Snapchat creator account, but for those who can get one, here’s a little step-by-step breakdown.

How To Become A Snapchat Creator? The Steps You Need To Take!

Becoming a Snapchat creator is easy and the bar is set pretty low for it by Snapchat. To become a creator all you need on Snapchat is a few basic things.

A Snapchat account – You need a Snapchat account that is at least a week old. So if you just made a new account looking to turn it into a creator account, you will have to wait for a week.

Have a public profile – Most people have a private Snapchat account. Meaning you send and receive snaps from just your friends or people you know. You can also share stories that are visible to your friends. You need a public profile and not a private one.

Have at least 100 subscribers – once you have a public profile you shall also have subscribers. Meaning other people who are not your friends should find your content interesting. If you check all these boxes, then you’re good to go. These are the prerequisites you need to know on how to become a Snapchat creator!

Creating Your Own Snapchat Lens | Path 1 Of How To Become A Snapchat Creator

How To Become A Snapchat Creator In 2022? 2 Easy Ways!

The easiest and probably simplest way to become a Snapchat creator is to create lenses. Snapchat wants its product to be used by as many people as possible and creating lenses is the easiest way to do that. Lucky for you, creating a lens on Snapchat is free from the Lens Studio website of Snapchat.

You don’t need to know AR development or anything else. All you need is your imagination and your creativity. The best way to get a Snapchat creator account is if you have published AR lenses. Usually having 4-5 AR lenses is enough. It’s a good thing that unlike creating filters, which is a paid service, creating lenses is free and easy!

How Can You Create Lenses On Snapchat?

If you don’t know how to create lenses on Snapchat don’t worry. We have got you covered. Here we will teach you how to create lenses and get them published. The more lenses you have to your name, the better the chances of you getting a creator account!

  • First, open or download Lens Studio on your ph/one or PC. Login through your existing Snapchat account.
  • Select a template from the ones available to you and edit it as you want.
  • Through the studio panels, you can add and delete certain elements and personalize your lens.
  • Check a preview of the lens you created. Continue if you’re satisfied or go back and edit the lens again.
  • Once done, publish and share your content online on Snapchat with your friends and the public!

Have A Highly Engaging Profile And Create Regular Content | Path 2 Of How To Become A Snapchat Creator

How To Become A Snapchat Creator In 2022? 2 Easy Ways!

The next method you can use to get become a Snapchat Creator is by actually creating content. While there is no guarantee that this method will work, it is the only possible option after creating lenses. There are no specific guidelines by Snapchat on what kind of content needs to be created. All that is important is that the content needs to be engaging. 

Again, there are no exact engagement levels either. But if you’re getting thousands of views on the content you put out publicly, then it’s a good indicator for you. Snapchat wants to push out original and engaging content on its Spotlight feed. The feed works similarly to other explore pages of the major social media companies. So there is an algorithm that is deciding what content works and what doesn’t.

One useful way you can get the attention of Snapchat to make your account a creator account is by promoting your content. The more people that engage the better chances you have of being noticed. Once your content reaches engagement levels with thousands of people, you’re pretty safe in getting a Snapchat creator account!

Final Words

So there you have it Snapchat fans! We hope now you know how to become a Snapchat creator! We can’t wait for you to try your luck at it and see how big you get! The opportunities are unlimited, and the world is seriously your oyster! Do let us know if you need help with anything else Snapchat related! Drop a comment down below and we will get back to you for sure!

Do Snapchat creators get paid?

Yes, Snapchat creators get paid either by Snapchat or by advertisers.

How many subscribers do you need to be a creator on Snapchat?

To be eligible to be a creator you at least need 100 subscribers. This often varies from the kind of content you make and the niche you’re in.

What does ✪ mean on Snapchat?

A ✪ on Snapchat means that you’re a Snapchat+ subscriber.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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