How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat? 5 Simple Methods You Can Try!


Snapchat is love, Snapchat is life. But sometimes, your parents can be a hindrance when it comes to accepting your love for the social media app. They’re not wrong, as parents have all right to be apprehensive about their children’s safety. But sometimes, these apprehensions can be misplaced. That is why, today, we will tell you how to convince your parents to let you use Snapchat. 

Snapchat is not just for creating snap streaks. It’s also not just for meeting random people around you. It’s a way to stay connected with friends and share what’s happening at the moment. If you’re an aspiring influencer, then becoming a Snapchat creator is pivotal too. If you’re trying to get your way around your parents not letting you use Snapchat, then here’s a small guide on how to achieve that.

How to convince your parents to let you use Snapchat starts with who you are and how you carry yourself. If you are 14 years old and have done everything to earn your parent’s trust, then it shouldn’t be an issue. But hey, if you’re 10 and want to use the app, then we recommend getting off the website ASAP. Snapchat is meant to be used by at least 12+-year-olds!

If you’re in your teens then you probably have access to a personal cell phone by now. If your parents keep tabs on you with the kind of website you use, then it’s possible they may not allow you to use Snapchat. But they need to understand that Snapchat is not just about posting selfies with butterfly filters or with botox filters. It’s about being there with your friends.

How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat? 5 Methods That Might Work!

How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat? 5 Simple Methods You Can Try!

Unfortunately, sometimes parents might not understand that. So that is when you have to make them understand and convince them to let you use it. After all, until you’re 18 years old, you’re legally obligated to do what they ask you to! You should also strive towards doing only what your parents approve of, so if they don’t like something, try to see what is causing them to not trust you.

If it is something that you can change or you control, then go ahead and change that. But if it is something unreasonable, then you need to make your point heard and make them understand. That is what we will try to do today. After all, the highest snap score ever isn’t going to be made by itself if creative people are kept away from Snapchat! So read on!

Pick The Right Place And The Right Time | Method 1 Of How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat

How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat? 5 Simple Methods You Can Try!

The effectiveness of any good case is its timing. Now, you may not be a lawyer, but you do need to know that your case depends on when and how you bring it up. If your parents aren’t letting you use Snapchat, then you can’t bring the issue up as a joke. They might not end up taking you seriously. 

If your mother is working and busy with her home or work stuff, then that is not the best time to bring your case up either. The same goes for your father. As a rule of thumb, talking to your father after he has returned from work is a no-go. He’s physically and mentally exhausted, and your point might be lost on him.

So make sure you pick the right time to speak to both of your parents.  Pick a nice time slot when your parents are relaxing and ask them if they’re up for a talk. Say you have something important to discuss and bring up your point.

Agree To Their Rules And Set Curfew Times | Method 2 Of How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat

A point that you can use in your favor is curfew times. One good way to let you use Snapchat or any other social media website can be by agreeing to set curfew times. Tell your parents that you will use Snapchat for a specific time after school or when you’ve done your homework. Set time before bedtime as your curfew time or weekends to use it all day. Choose whichever works for you and your schedule and use that to convince your parents.

Use Rationale To Them To Explain Yourself | Method 3 Of How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat

How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat? 5 Simple Methods You Can Try!

Often biases and hate towards an app or its use stem from misinformation about it. If you think your parents have been exposed to too much negative news about Snapchat, then use logic to state your point. Tell them that there are positive and negative points to everything, and it depends on you how you choose to use it. If your parents trust you enough, this should convince them that it’s the user, not the app, that dictates how you use it.

Give Details On The Content You Plan To Consume | Method 4 Of How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat

Another way to go about it is to detail your content usage and the things you plan to consume. Ideally, if you’re going to use Snapchat to stay in touch with your friends, then you can tell your parents exactly that. Snapchat has spotlights features and Snap Maps that let you consume content from creators. Here you can let your parents know what you plan to do with the content and who you choose to follow. This will give them a much more detailed insight into how you intend to use Snapchat.

Don’t Be Rude And Try Again Later If You Fail To Convince Them First | Method 5 Of How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat

How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Use Snapchat? 5 Simple Methods You Can Try!

There’s an old saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Meaning you can try your best to convince someone of something, but in the end, it’s their call to understand it or not. Now, please don’t call your parents horses. Instead, if you are not able to convince your parents to use Snapchat, withdraw your case and choose another time.

You can try to get your parents in a good mood and try again then. Alternatively, you can plan a weekend and make breakfast for your parents, get them movie tickets, or generally make them see what a nice child they have at their hands. There’s always a next time, so choose yours wisely and put your points across to them nicely every time.

Final Words

So, there you have it, folks! We hope now you know how to convince your parents to let you use Snapchat! If there is anything else Snapchat-related, then feel free to let us know in the comments down below! We will try our best to help you out! Whether it’s Android-related or iOS related, we have expertise in everything!

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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