Snapchat isn’t a dating app but it could very well be at the heart of many romances. What starts as friends casually snapping about their daily life often transpires into cute lovey-dovey stories. Snapchat even has a cool sticker system to show you who your best friends are. And today we will tell you how to get yellow heart on Snapchat to see who is the most loyal to you!
Making friends on Snapchat is easy peasy. You can either add people from Quick Add, or from Snap Map. You can also add friends across platforms by sharing your snapcode on Instagram. Then as you snap with them, your snap score rises. Snapchat gives unique sticker badges to people whom you snap with the most. Sometimes it’s a fire emoji to show your streak, while other times it’s a heart.
So, how to get yellow heart on Snapchat? The yellow heart means friendship, so you can get one by sending snaps to one person more than others. Both, you and your friend must send snaps to each other continuously in order for you to get a yellow heart.
When you get a yellow heart, it is actually going to be in front of the person you have snapped with the most. Similarly, the other person will only be able to see a yellow heart in front of your username, if they snap with you the most. And you thought being best friends with someone on Snapchat was easy, huh?
Table of Contents
How To Get Yellow Heart On Snapchat? Keep Your Friends Close On Snapchat!
Colors have different meanings and that is why Snapchat has chosen the color yellow. Just like your friends in real life has levels, similarly in Snapchat as well there are levels of friendships. You can expect to see hearts with other colors too as your friendship grows. If you’re wondering how to be someone’s best friend on Snapchat and how anyone can see yours, then don’t worry. Snapchat keeps privacy at its core.
Unless you share your info like that, your other friends will not be able to see who you’re best friends with. Meanwhile, if you’re best friends with someone, you can add them to private group stories on Snapchat too. And no, you don’t need to be a Snapchat creator or have a Snapchat+ account in order to make use of any of these features!
One and Only Way To Get A Yellow Heart On Snapchat | How To Get Yellow Heart On Snapchat?

Features like heart emojis with friends, bitmojis on your Snapchat profile, or cameos are free for every Snapchat user. The only thing differentiating one friend from the other is how much you use Snapchat. Similarly, the only way to get a yellow heart on Snapchat is by using the app.
If you want to get a yellow heart with someone, you will have to snap with them and chat with them. You also need to send snaps to the person more than you are snapping with other people in your friend list. And conversely, you also need your friend to snap with you. They also need to snap with you more than they do with other friends.
At first, you will see a fire emoji with a number beside their name. This means that you two now have a snap streak. Since you can get streaks with almost everyone you know on Snapchat, this part is easy. Then you need to maintain the streak and engage with them the most.
After a couple of days, you should see the yellow heart in front of your username. And voila. That’s it. You will see a yellow heart with your friend on Snapchat. Maintain your streak with them in order to keep the heart, and evolve the yellow heart into something else!
What Is The Meaning Of Yellow Heart On Snapchat

Now that we know how to get yellow heart on Snapchat, the question remains what does it mean? After all, why does everyone want a yellow heart on Snapchat? Unfortunately, Snapchat isn’t a game and it doesn’t reward people for achieving emoji badges. The reason why everyone wants a yellow heart on Snapchat can vary.
Some may use it as a symbol of being a pro on Snapchat or some use it as a sense of achievement. Either way, a yellow heart only symbolizes a best friend’s status. So it may feel like you’re best friends in real life with the person.
The color yellow is appealing to many as well. Yellow symbolized friendship and purity. The color is soothing to the eyes. Since social media bombards us with lots of colors, yellow seems to have a calming effect. Thus, the charm of the yellow heart on Snapchat and why everyone wants it.
Other Heart Emojis You Can Get On Snapchat

Okay, so once you get the yellow heart on Snapchat, what next? Does it give you access to hidden friends on Snapchat? Or is there a next level of color? Well of course there is. Once you are best friends with someone for a long time, you will graduate with a new heart color and emoji.
Red Heart ❤️- The red heart emoji is the purest symbol of love. On Snapchat, a red heart means you have been best friends with someone for more than two weeks. Since both of you are each other’s best friends for such a long time, Snapchat gives you both the red heart emoji. In order to keep the red heart, you will have to keep on sending snaps to each other. You and your friend both will have to be each other’s best friends!
Two Hearts 💕- If a red heart means love and best friends, two red hearts mean twice the love! Yes, that’s right! If you have been best friends with someone with a red heart for more than two months, Snapchat will give you the two hearts emoji! You will have to continue to remain each other’s best friend, to keep the two heart emojis alive!
Final Words
So, there you have it, folks! We hope now you know how to get yellow heart on Snapchat! Making friends is a difficult job, but it’s totally worth the effort! Let us know if you have any other Snapchat-related issues! We will love to help you out!
How long does it take to get 💛 on Snapchat?
According to Snapchat, it takes two weeks to get a yellow heart on Snapchat!
Can you get the yellow heart just by chatting?
You can get a yellow heart Snapchat emoji by just chatting with your friend. Similarly, Snapchat notices this regular conversation, the entire streak of consecutive best friends, the number of snaps on the number of consecutive days, and will update the bond with a yellow heart.
Does yellow heart on snap go away?
Yes, the yellow heart disappears on Snapchat. It cab for two reasons. First, if you stop maintaining a snap streak with your friend and the second reason is when it turns red.