How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data? Protect Your Privacy!


Using Snapchat is one of the favorite pastimes of many individuals. People share snaps every day with their friends to have fun and maintain a streak. But do you know that Snapchat chats and snaps disappear after a specific period? So, you may think that no one can find out what you’ve shared on Snapchat. But that’s not true, because Snapchat serves stores all the data and so it is easy to recover deleted pictures or data. This is why you need to find out how to permanently delete Snapchat data.

Social media can be a great place to stay connected with people. But privacy is always a big concern among users. Snapchat offers the best privacy setting options, but still you need to find ways to delete the data. Because Snapchat collects all the information like what we do, where we go through the Snap Map, and many others. So, all the data should be selected if you are concerned about data safety.

So, how to permanently delete Snapchat data? You can delete the Snapchat data permanently so that no one can have access to it. To know the methods on how to delete the data permanently, follow the below guide.

How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data? Check Out The Methods Here!

How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data? Protect Your Privacy!

You don’t have many direct options on Snapchat like deleting a group or to find whether someone added you back on Snapchat. Likewise, you don’t have any straightforward options to delete the data permanently on Snapchat. But don’t worry, you have other solutions to delete the data on Snapchat. So, follow the below methods on how to permanently delete Snapchat data and delete it forever.

# 1 Method- Clear The Snapchat Cache | How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data?

How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data? Protect Your Privacy!

You don’t have the option Delete Data on Snapchat. This is why you need to look for other ways like clearing the cache to delete the data. If you choose to clear the cache, then it will help you to clear all the messages and pictures that are stored. So, it is one of the best ways to delete data on Snapchat. Below are the steps that you need to follow to clear the cache on Snapchat.

Step 1: Open the Snapchat application on your device.

Step 2: Click on the profile icon at the top left corner of the screen.

Step 3: Click on the gear symbol at the top right corner to access settings.

Step 4: From the list of options find out, tap Account Actions

Step 5: Now, you could see various options to clear, choose the option Clear Cache to delete the data.

Step 6: So, all the stored messages and pictures are deleted. You could also find other options like conversation history, and search history. You can proceed with the same steps to clear all the history from Snapchat.

# 2 Method – Deactivate Your Snapchat Account | How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data?

How To Permanently Delete Snapchat Data? Protect Your Privacy!

The above methods will work for sure to delete the data, but still, if you want to delete it permanently then the best option is to deactivate your account. But before you opt for this option, you need to think carefully. Because you will be no longer able to access the account if you deactivate it.

When you choose to deactivate your account, then you should be also okay with losing all your friends, snaps, chat history, device, and location data. However, not all the data gets deleted immediately once you choose to deactivate the account. Snapchat will permanently delete the account only after 30 days. So, if you have decided to delete the data and want to deactivate your account, then follow the below steps without any second thought.

Step 1: Open your Snapchat application on your device and then log in with your details.

Step 2: Hit the profile icon at the upper-left corner of the screen.

Step 3: On the profile page, you can find the gear icon at the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it and it will take you to the settings page.

Step 4: Scroll down to find the Support option and then choose I Need Help option

Step 5: On the next page, you can search by typing Delete.

Step 6: Now, you have to log in again to delete your Snapchat account.

Step 7: Read all the details, and then hit on Continue.

Step 8: That’s all, you can wait for 30 days to delete your Snapchat data permanently.

So, you have learned to deactivate your account so that you can delete all your data easily. If you don’t want to delete your account to delete the data, then you can opt for third-party applications which help you to get your Snapchat data deleted. But you have to choose a trustworthy platform from the numerous options.

Final Words

Well, the above are the few methods that you need to know on how to permanently delete Snapchat data. Now, you can be free from all your stresses as no one can get your Snapchat data. Using social media is fun, but it is suggested to take some breaks often so that you don’t have to be always worried about your privacy.

If found this guide helpful, then don’t forget to share it with your loved ones. Also, don’t forget to read out the other article that helps you to know how to block Snapchat on iPhone and how to uninstall Snapchat update on Android.

Does Snapchat Store Images In A Database?

The answer is no, Snapchat doesn’t save images. Once viewed, they are removed.

Does Snapchat Store User Data Permanently?

Snapchat servers immediately delete each snap after each recipient has read it. After 31 days in private chats and 7 days in group chats, unopened snaps are automatically deleted.

What Private Information Does Snapchat Store?

Until you ask to delete them, Snapchat will keep your account’s basic information, including your name, phone number, email address, and list of friends. Depending on how precise your location is and the services you use, Snapchat store it for varying amounts of time.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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