Damn, that guy is cute. Isn’t he? Hee got a missus? No? He definitely needs one. And you could be the one. You need to learn a thing or two, devise a workable strategy, and hit the guy up. Understanding how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram will help you with that. So, keep scrolling and make sure to read this article with that.
Now, you might think that hitting that guy up will be excruciatingly hard. And I understand why you might be thinking that way. So many of us are scared of making the first move out of fear of rejection or embarrassment.
But I think a teensy bit of discomfort is the cost of entry here, so pay it. The worst thing that can happen is that the guy won’t like you back. And so what if he doesn’t? There’s plenty of fish in the sea.
Table of Contents
Here’s How To Start A Conversation With A Guy On Instagram | Foolproof Ways Of Hitting On Someone!
Also, learning how to flirt with someone or how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram isn’t rocket science. It isn’t hard to understand at all. Also, you don’t have to overthink it.
Just understand a few tips on how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram and dive right into it. However, you need to ensure that you get a few basics right, so you don’t look like a creep.
Work On Your Profile First

I understand that people prefer anonymity on social media these days and anonymous accounts are all the hype, but they won’t do it. So, before you read about how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram further, you need to work on your profile’s appearance a bit.
When I ask you to work on your profile, I don’t mean that you need to have a sh*t load of followers, tons of trendy reels on all kinds of challenges, etc. Instead, I mean that you need to have a few top-quality posts, a few story highlights, neatly arranged, that gives him some insight into you and the kind of life you need.
Start Following Him

Now that you’ve put some effort into your profile, you can start following him on Instagram. Now, there are two sides to this. If he has a public account, you’ll get added to his list of followers as soon as you hit the blue follow button.
But if he’s got a private account, then you won’t be able to look at any of his posts or stories unless he accepts your requests. So, in this case, you might have to wait a bit.
Like His Posts
After you’ve started following him, scroll through his posts and like a few of them. This will let him know that you were indeed checking out his profile but in a completely normal way.
Hold on a bit, though. When I ask you to like his pictures, I don’t mean that you should scroll down to his first post on Instagram from a few years ago and double-tap that. Please don’t do this; it will be a bit too obvious for your good. It will make you look like a stalker, a creep, or a desperate single person. And we don’t want that, do we?
Comment On His Posts

Commenting on posts is one of the crucial steps in understanding how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram. And, when I ask you to comment on his posts, I don’t mean that you post a heart eyes emoji for the heck of it and be done with it. I also don’t mean that you should write a love letter about how he is the man of your dreams, a part of your soul. That will again make you look like a creep.
So, leave short and sweet compliments. Try to make your comments a bit interesting by using your humor. However, ensure that you don’t unintentionally end up making fun of him in a borderline derogatory way. That won’t be cute. Plus, he might end up blocking you for good.
Reply To His Stories
You know, I’ve always believed that replying to stories is the easiest and most straightforward answer you can get to– how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram. It’s a perfectly innocuous way of getting into someone’s DM. Replying to stories doesn’t make you look desperate or too obvious, either. Although, it completely depends on what you reply.
So, you can play it safe by saying something like this:
- If he posts a picture of him having lunch in some restaurant. You can tell him that you plan on visiting the restaurant soon and want to know about his experience there.
- If he shares some trendy songs over his Instagram stories, then you can tell him how you liked them. But, if you don’t like the song, then make sure not to be critical of his taste in music.
DM Him

Now that you’ve successfully made your way into his DMs by replying to stories, we can get to the central and most obvious part of how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram. You send him a message.
Share His Posts In DMS
Leaving cute comments on his posts is all good and a great way to start a conversation, but if you want to keep it more private, you can share his posts in DMs and compliment him there. Comments are public, and anyone can read them at any time. So, if you don’t want to come off as too desperate in front of his friends, stick to the DM rule. Besides, DMs give you more security, so if you want to take the conversation to the next level, drop the comments and make your way over to vanish mode on Instagram DMs, where you won’t be worried about him showing your messages to his friends.
Share Something He Might Be Interested In
Talking to a guy about his interests will show him that you care about his choices and will make him stick around more. If you have seen him upload more stories of his Marvel and DC collection figurines, and you know he loves collecting them, bring it up more often in the conversation. If you see a post about a Marvel/DC exhibition, share it with the guy, and maybe he will ask you to accompany him since you are so thoughtful about his interests. There you will have your sweet little meet and greet!
Share Memes For A Good Laugh
They say, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” but in modern times, the saying goes this way, “the way to a man’s heart is through memes and a good laugh.” If you really like this guy and you want to keep the conversation going, throw in a few hilarious reels and memes and let him know how strong your meme game is.
Send Cute Selfies

If you and this mystery guy of yours have been talking for a while now, you can share a few cute selfies with him. Now you don’t have to spam him with your pictures, so make sure that you are keeping it light. A selfie of yours trying on a new bucket hat that you got from an Instagram shop or you cuddling with your dog will do just fine.
Ask Him Questions
Sharing memes and complimenting the guy’s good looks is all okay, but if you really want to move forward with this guy and show him that you are interested, you can start by asking him questions. Don’t go for too personal questions by asking him how much his family earns. Keep the questioning to a minimum, and a few ideas to get started with are –
- Hey, I saw this new Sushi place and was wondering if you like Sushi.
- So, what do you think about this new player joining NFL?
- Since you are a big fan of Marvel, I was wondering if you have watched Black Panther 2 yet.
Crack Silly Jokes
As I already mentioned above, humor with a bit of sarcasm is something you should go for if you want a fun vibe. So, if you see you and this Instagram guy have been having a good time over a conversation, it’s time you crack some silly jokes as well. For example, if you want to tell him that you wish to know more about him, you can start with this –
You: Knock Knock
Him: Who’s there
You: Iwanaa
Him: Iwanna, who?
You: Iwanna know more about you!
Plan A Date
It’s 2023, and you don’t have to wait around for a guy to ask you out. If you really like him and want to him better, be bold and ask him out on a date. Some guys really like confident girls who don’t shy away from asking for what they want. So, out with the shyness and in with confidence, you go!
Avoid Double Texting If You Are Left On Seen

These are only some tips, and no matter how hard you try, if a guy isn’t interested in you, he will stop responding to your texts and efforts after a while. So, if you are left on seen, avoid spamming him with messages and give it a break.
Things To Avoid Saying Or Doing
I’m sure you know how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram by now. Yet, there are some things that you need to avoid doing. Because even though you do everything else right, these things can act as a deal breaker and make all your efforts go in vain.
So, you need to avoid sharing overly personal stuff. Over text, we usually end up saying things that we wouldn’t say in person, and this usually harms us. Whenever you’re about to share something with the guy in question, ask yourself if you’d be comfortable saying the same thing in person. If not, then don’t text it either.
Do NOT send anything sex*ually explicit or suggestive without his consent. Ask yourself, if roles were reversed, and you were the one at the receiving end of something like that without your consent, how would you have felt?
Know When To Stop

We’ve looked at plenty of ways on how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram. And, yes, these tips and methods can work. But what if they don’t? What if the guy doesn’t reciprocate the way you had expected him to?
In case this happens, it’d be better to back off. Your self-respect has got to be on the center stage, and any feelings that you may have for him should definitely take the back seat.
Final Words
Alright, people! This was how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram! In this post, I walked you through several tried and tested foolproof ways of hitting on a guy! I hope you found these tips helpful, and if you did, do try them and let me know how it goes in the comments!
Also, if you’ve got a friend who doesn’t know how to start a conversation with a guy on Instagram, please share this article with them; if you don’t do so, the guy in question will leave you for someone they told you never to worry about.
How Do You Say Hi In A DM?
If you want to say hi in a DM, you can say something like “Wyd”, “Hey, how are you doing?” You should show that you’re interested in the person and their well-being.
How To Know If A Guy Likes You Via DM?
You can find out that a guy likes you via DM if he texts you back fairly quickly, texts you good morning, wants to know more about you, jokes around, flirts on text, etc.