What Does AF Mean On Snapchat? Decode The Slang With Me Today!


If you were given the option to choose between Snapchat or WhatsApp for chatting with your friends, which social media platform would you choose? I bet you would take Snapchat as your first priority. That’s because you get the liberty of using Snapchat slang. Talking about slang terms, I’ve got a new slang term for you to learn, that’s AF. Do you know what does AF mean on Snapchat?

As one slang term can be used differently, it adds to the fun of Snapchat texting. So now that you are willing to know the different Snapchat slang, why not start with the easiest one? Yes, I’m talking about AF. Let’s have a look what does AF mean on Snapchat. 

AF on Snapchat is As F*ck. It means something that applies to a great extent. I know you might be hesitant to use this slang because of its text, but this abbreviation has other meanings too. 

If you also want to know the variety of meanings of what does AF mean on Snapchat then keep reading the article. Also, you can know how to use them in your chats and what can be an apt response to the abbreviation. 

What Does AF Mean On Snapchat?

The most common meaning of what does AF mean on Snapchat is As F*ck. This context of abbreviation is used to emphasize something. However, the word of this slang can confuse you whether you should use it in conversations or not. But believe me, there is no harm in using this abbreviation in playful mood chats. However, this is not the only meaning of AF, there are two other meanings, too. A few other meanings of what does AF stand for on Snapchat are:

  • As F*ck
  • Always Fresh 
  • The fire emoji (🔥)

1. AF As ‘As F*ck’ On Snapchat

The first and the most common definition of AF on Snapchat is As F*ck. It means that you are emphasizing on something to a great extent or degree. It is used as a general intensifier for focusing on something. When you want to draw someone’s attention towards something, you can use the AF abbreviation. 

How To Use AF As ‘As F*ck’ On Snapchat?

Now that you know what does AF mean on snapchat, let us begin to know how to use it in your conversations. You can use it playfully when talking to someone and want to emphasize one particular fact. Check the below example to know how to use the abbreviation. 

Person 1: He acts so dumb AF at times. 

How To Reply To AF As ‘As F*ck’ On Snapchat?

Considering AF as slang, you might be wondering what can be an apt response to it. Check the example below to know what can be an appropriate response when someone texts you AF.

Person 1: He acts so dumb AF at times. 

Person 2: I know! It’s so irritating. 

2. AF As ‘Always Fresh’ On Snapchat

The second meaning of what does AF stand for on Snapchat is Always Fresh. Now, you must be thinking about how it relates to Snapchat texts. Well, many times, we can presume how someone’s mood is through their texting ways, and there is no denying that in every group there is one person who is always in a jolly mood. For them, AF as Always Fresh can be used. It means that whenever you talk to them, you will always find them in a fresh and good mood. 

How To Use AF As ‘Always Fresh’ On Snapchat?

Since there is a relationship between AF as Always Fresh and Snapchat texts, let us see how you can use it in daily conversations. 

Person 1: Hey Pamella! How are you AF (Always Fresh)?

How To Reply To AF As ‘Always Fresh’ On Snapchat?

Now, it’s pretty apparent that you should reply if someone has texted you this abbreviation. So what do you think can be the best response to this abbreviation? To know that, check the example below. 

Jenny: Can I please know the secret behind your mood, like how are you AF?

Andrew: I don’t have any secrets; I just believe in living my life to the fullest. 

3. AF As 🔥 On Snapchat

What Does AF Mean On Snapchat? Decode The Slang With Me Today!

To your surprise, AF on Snapchat can also have an emoji meaning. The fire emoji you see on Snapchat texts is the other meaning of the AF abbreviation. The emoji means that something is exciting or excellent. 

How To Use AF As 🔥 On Snapchat?

Now that you know what does AF stand for on Snapchat, it’s time for you to know what are the ways of using it. The fire emoji can be used in two different ways. One is in the context of saying something is thrilling and exciting, and another is in saying that something is excellent. Check the examples below for better understanding. 

Example 1

Person 1: OMG, this dress is so good. It’s literally 🔥!

Example 2 

Person 1: WOW! Look at the price of this bag. It’s like 🔥

How To Reply To AF As 🔥 On Snapchat?

Can emojis also have replies? Well yeah! The emoji meaning of AF as Snapchat does have an appropriate response. Let’s check below what these are. 

Example 1

Person 1: The school trip itinerary is so good. It’s literally 🔥!

Person 2: Yeah, I’m so excited for the trip to happen. 🤩

Example 2 

Person 1: The tray that you have decorated is just WOW! It’s like 🔥

Person 2: Thank you so much. I’m glad you liked it. 😊

Final Words

Coming toward the end of the article, I hope this guide could make your concept clear about what does AF mean on Snapchat. If you feel using AF in the context of As F*ck is making you a bit uncomfortable, you can easily shift the context of the abbreviation to other meanings mentioned above. If this post was of any help to you then don’t forget to help your friends too by sharing this article with them. 

What Does AF Mean From A Girl On Snapchat?

If a girl texts AF on Snapchat, that means she might use it as Always Fresh or As F*ck. 

What does Single AF mean? 

Single AF on social media means someone who is super single. 

What does RL mean in dating? 

RL in dating terms means Real Life.

What does FWB slang mean? 

FWB slang on social media means friends with benefits. 

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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