What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat? What Are Its Uses?


Life was much simpler back when acronyms on the internet made sense. With so many social media websites, countless people are around to give us a piece of their minds. They keep coming up with slang, and we need to keep track of it. We have stuck with wondering what does FRL mean on Snapchat and if you are too, then follow along!

Snapchat is known for creating so many new acronyms on the internet. People often wonder what does SFS mean on Snapchat or what does WTM mean on Snapchat. This is barely scratching the surface. If we get into the barebones of Snapchat, we will need to write an entire thesis! Now while you may not have enough time to read a thesis, we can surely help ease out your day-to-day convos on Snapchat.

If you are a parent and chatted with your young one on Snap, then it must be confusing. Trust me. We’ve been there and done that too. When we first used these social media websites, we spent most of our time figuring out things too. Acronyms on the internet often change context depending on the context they are used in.

What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat? Decoding The Confusion Around FRL!

What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat, And What Are Its Uses?

Context is key to a conversation in the real world, and it’s also key in the virtual world. In one context, a simple thing such as LOL means Lots Of Love, while in another, it means Laughing Out Loud. In case you happen to come across something sad, I suggest not saying LOL either way. You know, just to be safe.

Acronyms and slangs that correspond direct word to word are much easier to navigate. Things get sweaty when you cannot decipher an acronym based on its initial. That is what confuses knowing what does FRL mean on Snapchat. But don’t worry, it’s not that hard to figure out. Just try to put yourself in some younger shoes, and if you are younger, then I guess you just need to change your shoes!

The Real Meaning Of FRL | What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat

What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat, And What Are Its Uses?

To understand what does FRL mean on Snapchat, you first need to understand internet slang as a whole. Sometimes words are shortened and made into acronyms not just by their initials but by how they sound. Kind of like a modern version of onomatopoeia. One of the most agreed-upon meanings of FRL on Snapchat, for now, is “For Real.” This can be used in a matter-of-fact way or in the way of surprised inquiry. 

The best way to illustrate the use of FRL is through an example. Suppose your friend sends you a snap of his new suit saying, “Just got promoted in my job!” then you can reply by saying, “FRL?”. To this, you can expect two kinds of replies. One can be, “yes, for real!”. Another can be, “No, haha, was kidding!”. Either way, the point of FRL in this context was to ask whether something for real or not. 

FRL on Snapchat can also be a surprise statement, not just an inquiry. So, for example, if your friend says something hard for you to believe, you can use FRL in the convo. The usage of FRL is in a way saying to the other person that “Hey, about what you are saying, is it the truth?”

Alternatively, there is limited use of FRL as “For Real Like” as well. The meaning is said to have originated from the accidental interpretation of FRL as For Real Like initially. It’s used casually in a conversation filled with some disdain. Once it got stuck, the meaning stayed. In a conversation, you can expect it to be something like –

“Bro, our classmate was showing off in uni today.” 

“FRL, can we stop being friends with him now?”


This usage is on and off used on social media, and you will have to understand whether the “like” is at the end of the word depending on the context. Don’t worry if you get it wrong. There aren’t any major differences between the meaning of the two anyway.

Usage Of FRL On Snapchat And Other Social Media | What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat

What Does FRL Mean On Snapchat, And What Are Its Uses?

As previously mentioned, acronyms like FRL are used mostly for how they sound. If you break down F R L and pronounce it as a sound it sounds “fa-rree-ell.” This usage of words as sounds instead of initials often confuses people. FRL can be used on Snapchat and other social media. You can incorporate it in a sentence or even use it standalone as a hashtag.

In a conversation, if someone didn’t use FRL, you can still reply to them using FRL. So you can use FRL in an answer instead of the question. Let’s take an example to understand it better. Say someone asks if your shoes are the limited edition Air Force 1s; then you can reply to them saying, “FRL, bro!”. Question or a statement, the basic meaning of FRL pertains to telling the truth.

Final Words 

With this, we hope you now know what does FRL mean on Snapchat. Slangs are ever-changing and ever-evolving. Tomorrow FRL can mean something else in a different and new context. While the original definition and meanings won’t change, more alternates can emerge. What are other acronyms you are finding difficult to deal with? Drop them in the comments section below, and we will try our best to help you.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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