What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? 6 Fun Meanings To Know!


Snapping and chatting is even more fun when one is using slang. Because as we all know, using abbreviations instead of saying the whole thing makes us look cooler. But, not all of us have the ability to understand Internet slang, do we? For example, what does GC mean on Snapchat? Do you know? It’s okay if you don’t. You can simply read this article to find out! 

Find Out What Does GC Mean On Snapchat Here | Read This To Know The Meaning Of GC!

Oh, and understanding the meaning of GC on Snapchat will come in handy not just here but on other social media platforms as well. Because just like all other abbreviations that you see on Snapchat, GC too has several different meanings that are common to other apps.  For example, it can mean ‘group chat’, ‘gift certificate’, ‘good condition’, ‘good chat’, ‘good call’, or ‘graphic content’. 

In case you want to know what does GC mean on Snapchat in a bit more detail and also understand how to use this term, make sure to scroll till the end! 

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean Group Chat?

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? 6 Fun Meanings To Know!

The most popular meaning of GC on Snapchat is “group chat”. A group chat includes you and your friends where you all can snap, chat, and stay connected with each other in a fun way. You might be surprised to know that Snapchat allows group chats to include up to 62 members! 

This means, if you’re ever planning a large-scale event or a party, you can simply make use of Snapchat’s group chat feature to have discussions around the same! 

This abbreviation can also be used in conversations. You can say something like, “Hey, did you check the GC? There’s some new drama”. Or, if you want someone to add you to their group chat, you can say something like “Can you add me to your GC?”. 

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean Gift Certificate?

GC can also stand for “Gift certificate”. It is a kind of card that you add money to and then gift to someone else so that they can use it as and when they like. Although GC is not usually used in this sense, it can mean this sometimes. You will really have to look at the context and understand it to find out if GC means gift certificate there. 

For example, if someone is talking about gifting someone, then GC can be referring to gift certificate. It can look something like this: “What do you think will be appropriate for Amy’s 16th birthday? A GC?” or, “What do you think I can gift someone along with a GC?

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean Good Condition?

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? 6 Fun Meanings To Know!

On Snapchat, GC can sometimes be referring to “Good Condition”. In this sense, GC can be used to describe the condition of an inanimate object or a person, especially when they are sick. For example, if someone is selling something and want to know in what condition the object is, they can say “My table has a few scratches here and there, but is in GC otherwise ”. 

Here’s what using GC can look like:

Jake: I’m thinking of buying a second-hand car.

Tom: Second-hand cars are not usually in GC. Be careful. 

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean Good Chat?

GC also stands for Good Chat on Snapchat. Let’s say you had a long conversation with your Snapchat friend, you can use GC to let them know that you enjoyed talking to them. This will make them feel loved and deepen your friendship as well. To do so, you can say something like, “Hey, GC! I really feel better after talking to you!

Or, it can be something like

Lara: Hey, this was a GC! When can we talk again?!

Peter: Feel free to HMU whenever you want! 

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean Graphic Content? 

What Does GC Mean On Snapchat? 6 Fun Meanings To Know!

Another lesser-known meaning of GC on Snapchat is Graphic Content. Although it is not used as much as others, knowing and understanding the meaning can still come in handy. If you ever come across someone sharing a graphic image or video that goes against the platform’s guidelines, you can ask them to take it down. To do this, you can say something like “Hey, GC might be triggering for some people, please consider removing it”. 

Sometimes, users also add a trigger warning along with the content they share. To do so, they can simply use the abbreviated form of Graphic content, GC. 

Final Words

Alright, people! This is what does GC mean on Snapchat! In this article, I walked you through six different meanings of the abbreviation GC! So, feel free to use this abbreviation on Snapchat or any other social media platform for that matter! If you know of any other meaning except for the one mentioned above, please share it with everyone in the comments! 

What Is A GC Girl?

In pop culture and in texting, GC can stand for Girl Crush. This abbreviation is used for women you like or admire. It can refer to both someone you know or a popular celebrity.

Can Snapchat GC have streaks?

As of now, Snapchat GC cannot have streaks. If you’re sending Snaps to a group chat, then you need to know that they cannot be used to keep individual Snapstreaks alive.

How long do Snaps last in GC?

Snapchat is designed in way to delete all unopened Snaps sent to Group chats after 24 hours. However, you can save a snap in the GC permanently by pressing and holding on it to save after viewing it.

How Do I silence Snapchat GC?

If you want to silence Snapchat GC, then swipe right from the Camera screen to open the Chat screen. Then, press and hold on a group. Next, tap on “chat settings”. There you will find the Message notifications option. Select the ‘Silent’ option from there and your job will be done!

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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