What Does GMS Mean On Snapchat? Understating Awesome Snap Lingo!


Hello Snapchat addicts, we meet again! If there is one thing that unites us besides our mutual love for hot snap streaks, it’s knowing about all the latest acronyms used in Snapchat. Today we will tell you what does GMS mean on Snapchat, along with other cool abbreviations. 

We don’t make many promises, but we can promise you one thing. Getting to know all these Snap acronyms will surely make you the coolest person in your friend group. While Snapchat has been under fire recently, its popularity is ever-growing. From new Halloween Bitmoji costumes to 3D Bitmojis stickers, Snapchat is giving its users many cool new features.

While we appreciate the features, we need to know what does GMS mean on Snapchat?! The answer to that is quite simple. GMS on Snapchat simply means Good Morning Streak! Most abbreviations used on Snapchat are transferable from one platform to other. But streaks are unique to Snapchat.

Though there are no real-life consequences of losing your Snapchat streaks, it does mean that you lose loyalty points with your friends. Streaks are also a great way to secure bragging rights. Meaning you’re a Snapchat addict like no other. So keeping up-to-date with all the lingo is not only important but also crucial to keep your Snapchat game strong.

What Does GMS Mean On Snapchat And How Do You Respond To It?

What Does GMS Mean On Snapchat? Understating Awesome Snap Lingo!

Now that we have some kind of understanding of what does GMS mean on Snapchat, it’s easier to understand the contexts in which it is used. Previously we have been made familiar with abbreviations like BRB, LOL, and SMO on Snapchat. Luckily these abbreviations can be used on other socials too. Our TikTok feeds or Insta stories are quite literally littered with these abbreviations. 

The ones which remain specific to Snapchat need to be discovered by people on Snapchat. That is why it’s been one hell of a chore to find out what does GMS mean on Snapchat. Anyway, let’s take a look at the context in which you will receive GMS or something similar to it.

Situations In Which You Will Receive GMS On Snapchat

What Does GMS Mean On Snapchat? Understating Awesome Snap Lingo!

Behind every snap and every chat, there is the underlying wish to keep the snap streak blazing. So if you receive GMS the first thing in the morning from someone on Snapchat, know that it is only for the sake of streaks. Don’t take something like this personally. Afterall, how many interesting conversations can one have, right?

Example of getting GMS on Snapchat – 

“GMS nerds, this is your daily reminder to get some water first thing in the morning”. Sometimes expect to receive a blacked-out Snap and just GMS just in it. Also, since we now know what does GMS mean on Snapchat, expect to receive it in your early mornings too.

Oh and by the way, just because GMS has the initials of Morning in it, some people don’t let that hold them back. Many have claimed to use GMS at night as well. In this situation, GMS simply means Good Night Streak or a sneaky way of saying Good Night. Most of the people who send you GMS might not be sending it just to you. GMS is sent to a group of people together, in order for the person to retain their snap streak. 

How To Respond To GMS On Snapchat?

Okay, now we know what does GMS mean on Snapchat. But how do you respond to it? Well, first of all, there is no standardized response to abbreviations on Snapchat. There is no handbook or rulebook, or anything of that sort. So you can do as you please. Your creativity is the only thing that should dictate your replies. 

Another thing that can alter the way that you reply to someone who sent you GMS on Snapchat is your friendship. If your best friend has sent you a snap with GMS then you can send the same back, ask how they’re doing or reply according to your convenience. But if your acquaintance has sent you GMS on Snapchat then the least you can do is reply back with the same to maintain the streak.

Other Common Abbreviations On Snapchat You Need To Know!

What Does GMS Mean On Snapchat? Understating Awesome Snap Lingo!

Sending someone GMS is a great way to remind them to maintain their streak on Snapchat. But you should also have a little idea about other commonly used slang and abbreviations. We have listed some of them below, so check them out here!

FFF – One of the most commonly used abbreviations across Snapchat and other social media platforms. The abbreviation means Follow For Follow and is usually used with people when you make new friends. 

AMOS – A recently invented slang is AMOS. It stands for Add Me On Snapchat. You can expect to receive this on your other social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, or something else. Someone who sends you this wants you to add them to your Snapchat so you can exchange pictures and stuff.

PMOYS – Similar to AMOS is PMOYS. This abbreviation means the same as AMOS and can be sent to you on multiple social media platforms. PMOYS means Put Me On Your Snapchat.

SNR – An abbreviation common to Snapchat is SNR. The abbreviation means Streaks and Recent and can be sent to you on Snapchat by someone whom you’ve just befriended. It’s basically a conversation starter. Someone who snaps SNR with you wants to know whom you have streaks with and with whom you have a conversation recently on Snapchat.

Final Words

So there you have it Snap addicts! We hope now you know where does GMS mean on Snapchat. If you’re someone who is new to Snapchat then things can get overwhelming quite quickly. Don’t worry we all start somewhere. There is no need to feel lonely on this social road.

You can check out our articles that have covered things like what does S/U mean or what do does WYLL mean on Snapchat. If you have any other specific query then let us know that as well. We will try our best to get you all the information that you need!

What does GNS mean on Snapchat?

Just like GMS, GNS means the opposite. It translates to Good Night Streaks.

What does SMO mean on Snapchat?

SMO on Snapchat means Shout Me Out.

Do you have to reply to GMS and GNS snaps?

Yes, absolutely. If you want to maintain your Snapstreak, then you need to reply to GMS and GNS snaps.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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