What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? 4 Fun Meanings To Know! 


Hey there, Snapchatters! I hope you already know that apart from having to keep up with the trends and latest updates, you also need to stay up-to-date with ever-evolving slang. Yes, these are some of the prerequisites for being cool on social media. However, learning and using slang isn’t half as fun. But don’t you worry, this article on what does NRS mean on Snapchat will surely make your work easier. So, keep scrolling!

Find Out What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat Here | Read This To Know Unique Meanings Of NRS! 

As I said above, these days abbreviated forms of terms and words are all hype. So, if you want to make more Snapchat friends, you will have to level up your texting game. And, understanding things like what does NRS mean on Snapchat will help you do just that. Conveniently enough, this article is going to be all about the various meanings of NRS! So, make sure to scroll till the end! 

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean “No Response/ Replies”?

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? 4 Fun Meanings To Know! 

The most popular meaning of NRS on Snapchat is “no response/ replies”. It is used to tell someone that you haven’t received a response to the text or snap that you sent to someone. So, instead of writing the whole thing to explain the same, you can just say “NRS”. This abbreviation can be used in both lowercase and uppercase letters, it will convey the same thing. 

Here’s how you can use NRS while texting on Snapchat:

Jake: What did Lara say in response to your apology?

Tom: NRS. She’s not seen my message yet. 

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean “No Reply/ Response, Sorry”?

Another meaning of NRS on Snapchat is “no reply/ response, sorry”. It is similar in nature to the above-mentioned meaning of NRS, except for the fact that it has a sorry at the end. It can be used when you’re filling your friend with the details about someone who didn’t reply to your message. Also, NRS is mostly used in a sarcastic and humorous sense. 

For example, 

Jake: What happened next? Did Lara reply to your messages?!

Tom: I know you’re very concerned about my love life. But, NRS. 

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean “Not Really Sure”?

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? 4 Fun Meanings To Know! 

Yet another meaning of NRS on Snapchat is “not really sure”. It can be used when someone asks you a question or information regarding something but you’re not sure of what to say. In this sense, you can use NRS as a standalone answer or you can add something with it. This helps the other person know that they shouldn’t be taking whatever you’re saying as is. 

Here’s how you can use NRS in your conversation:

Anne: Did you see my mother at the grocery store today?

Lara: Umm, I’m NRS. I did see someone dressed in pink though. 

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? Does It Mean “No Reason”?

What Does NRS Mean On Snapchat? 4 Fun Meanings To Know! 

A lesser-known meaning of NRS on Snapchat is “no reason”. It can be used when someone asks you why you did something or why something happened. Or, you can use it when you’re in no mood for explaining the real reason behind something. In the latter case, NRS can be used to dismiss a topic or indicate that you don’t want to talk about something. Here’s what it can look like:

Peter: Why did you stop being friends with Anne?

Jake: NRS. Ig, our vibes were off. 

Or,  Peter: Why did the teacher give you detention?

Jake: NRS. 

Final Words

Okay, everyone! This is what does NRS mean on Snapchat! In this article, we discussed four fun meanings of NRS on Snapchat! So, I hope you feel confident enough to use this abbreviation as and when required! Oh, and in case you’ve got any doubts regarding the usage of NRS, or know any other meanings of this acronym, feel free to drop them in the comments! 

What is SB on Snapchat?

SB is a widely used abbreviation on Snapchat. It stands for “Somebody”. For example, you can say something like “SB texted you on Snapchat”. Apart from Snapchat, you may also find SB on other social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, etc.

What does snap BBG mean?

BBG is an abbreviation on Snapchat. It can either mean better be going or beautiful baby girl. “Better be going” is a polite way to end a conversation on the platform. It lets the other person know that you’ve got some work to attend to. BBG can also mean “beautiful baby girl” and can be used to affectionately refer to your female partner.

What does BBB mean in a text?

On Snapchat, BBB can refer to Bored Beyond Belief. It is used to let someone know that you’re quite bored.You can use BB to say something like “Hey, are you up for a chat, I’m BBB”.

What does SL stand for?

SL is a n abbreviation mostly used on social media platforms like Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. It stands for “so lame”. You can use it to let the other person know that the joke they have shared is lame or boring. Or that it wasn’t funny at all.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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