What Does WYLL Mean Snapchat? Weird Lingo Decoded! 


By this point, I’ve lost the ability to keep a record of, let alone understand, all the updates and latest features that Snapchat keeps introducing. I mean, yeah, it’s all cool and fun until some new (&weird) lingo comes up and you’re left alone to google things like WYLL meaning text Snapchat’. Well, you’re not exactly alone. Because there are so many others like you who want to know what does WYLL mean Snapchat.

So, I’ve taken it upon myself to do all the necessary research and tell everyone what does wyll mean Snapchat. It’s not the first time we’ve seen such things on this creative social media platform. Don’t get me wrong, all those features are quite fun, but it gets overwhelming trying to make sense of them. Yeah, you could easily choose to ignore them, but then there’s FOMO and the risk of looking like a granny. 

So, WYLL has gained popularity on Snapchat and TikTok, but most commonly, its usage has been seen in direct messages. WYLL stands for “What You Look Like”.  It’s used to ask someone for their photos, videos, etc. in one-to-one conversations. On Tiktok, users usually respond with a video. And, on Snapchat, typically send their Bitmoji i.e. their digital avatar. 

But hey, if you too want to use WYLL in one of your one-to-one conversations, you’ll have to know what does WYLL mean Snapchat in greater detail! So, keep scrolling because I’ll share everything you need to know about WYLL below!

Here’s The Answer To What Does WYLL Mean Snapchat | Know The Meaning Here!

What Does WYLL Mean Snapchat? Weird Lingo Decoded! 

Oh, I understand that it can be hard to remember the meaning of all Snapchat abbreviations. So, after you’ve found out the answer to what does WYLL mean Snapchat? Check out other similar articles that talk about the meaning of HML, PMO and its uses, the meaning of FRL, etc. 

WYLL Meaning Text Snapchat

What Does WYLL Mean Snapchat? Weird Lingo Decoded! 

So, when you meet someone new on Snapchat, they might send ‘WYLL’ to ask for information and learn more about you.  It goes without saying that this acronym is most commonly seen in private conversations. 

Oh, and someone may also use WYLL when you tell them that you’re considering doing something extremely silly, like, giving second chance to an ex. Yes, it’s used sarcastically to let someone know that you disapprove of their behavior or actions. 

How To Respond To WYLL 

What Does WYLL Mean Snapchat? Weird Lingo Decoded! 

Well, there’s no single way to respond to WYLL. Once you know the meaning of this acronym, you can reply to it in whatever way makes sense to you or makes you feel comfortable. Mostly, people send their Bitmoji, i.e. their digital avatar. 

In response to WYLL, some people choose to describe their personality traits or astrology signs. The latter part has never made much sense to me; yeah I don’t believe in signs. I mean, how can your entire persona be accounted to what month you were born in? Anyways, the point is, there’s no one correct answer to WYLL; it all depends on how much someone wants to share. 

You also have the option of describing your appearance or sending a snap of yourself. Just make sure you trust the other person before doing either of these, though. 

Person 1: You seem cool, Let me see wyll. 

Person 2: sends a selfie 🤳

Oh, and when someone uses WYLL to show their disapproval of something that they think is foolish, you can either chuckle it away or simply explain yourself. 

Final Words

So, this is what does WYLL mean Snapchat! By now, I hope you’re well-versed in the meaning of this acronym! Now, you can try using it in your next one-to-one Snapchat conversation! Let us know how it goes in the comments!! 

What Does SN Mean On Snapchat?

SN on Snapchat means “Screen Name”. It refers to the username or alias that you’ve created for your Snapchat profile. 

What Does HMU Mean?

HMU is an abbreviation for “hit me up”. It is used to encourage others to reach out to you. 

What Does SB Mean On Snapchat?

SB stands for Snapback. It is used when you want a user to respond back to a snap or message. 

What Does TMU Mean In Text?

TMU stands for “To My Understanding” on Snapchat. Other meanings include The Man Upstairs, The Mafia Understanding, etc. 

What Does FGF Mean On Snapchat?

On Snapchat, FGF means, Fake Girlfriend, Former Girlfriend, Famous Gut Feeling, or Fake Gameplay Footage. 


Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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