What Is The Meaning Of BB On Snapchat | Decoding Slang!


Do you know what is the meaning of the term BB on Snapchat? Snapchat is one of the most used social media platforms these days. Younger users like to use the app due to its privacy features that allow them to be online without thinking about their conversations getting leaked. However, the texting feature on Snapchat has also given rise to some interesting slang terms. It becomes pretty difficult for newer users on social media to understand the meaning of these abbreviations. So if you also want to know the meaning of BB on Snapchat, we are here to tell you all about it.

The app Snapchat has multiple exciting features, but the chat feature is one of the most used features on the app. From Snap Maps, AI lenses, Snap streaks, and bitmojis, Snapchat has many features for its users. However, most users use the app for its discreet chatting options that allow them to have conversations without stressing that the other person might take screenshots of their conversation. The chatting feature on Snapchat has also become quite confusing for newer users due to slang terms. 

We will be discussing the meaning of BB on Snapchat. We will also explore the meaning of Snachat terms that you must know. We have also covered the meaning of the Grey X next to the Snapchat name and the meaning of the term Besties on Snapchat for newer users of the app.

Meaning Of BB On Snapchat!

If you are wondering about the meaning of BB on Snapchat, you have come to the right place. It is a given that many Snapchat acronyms are heavily used on the app. However, not all users are well-versed in slang terms. If you are also one of the people who have yet to learn about Snapchat slang terms, you should continue reading further, as we will be telling you all about Snapchat slang and the meaning of BB on Snapchat.

What Are Snapchat Acronyms?

What Is The Meaning Of BB On Snapchat | Decoding Slang!

Before we discuss the meaning of BB on Snapchat, let’s look at what Snapchat acronyms are. 

Snapchat acronyms are slang terms that are used to refer to a specific phrase. The texting language across all social media platforms has given birth to multiple slang terms that are heavily used while texting. These terms are sometimes abbreviated forms of phrases. However, there are numerous slang terms that are also used as a way to express something. For example, the term cop out refers to buying something online. 

There are multiple slang terms that social media users must know. We will be exploring some Snapchat terms for you. But first, let’s look at the meaning of the phrase BB on Snapchat.

What Does BB Mean On Snapchat?

What Is The Meaning Of BB On Snapchat | Decoding Slang!

The term BB on Snapchat has multiple meanings. However, the term is most commonly used for the word baby. The term BB is primarily used in a romantic way to refer to a partner. It is a way of saying baby to someone you are in a relationship with or if you are close friends with someone. Even though Baby is not the only meaning of BB on Snapchat, it is the most common meaning for the term.

The term BB is also used to refer to the phrase Be Back. The term is not very often used. Be Back means that a person with whom you are having a conversation will go offline for a couple of minutes and will be back to continue the conversation. Usually, the acronym BRB is used to say Be Right Back for the same reason. However, BB is a lesser-known alternative that can be used to say that a user will be right back.

Snapchat Terms You Must Know!

What Is The Meaning Of BB On Snapchat | Decoding Slang!

Now that you know the meaning of the term BB on Snapchat, let’s take a look at the Snapchat term that you should know. We will explore some popular Snapchat terms exclusively used on the app.

  • Snap Streak – Snap Streaks are a chat feature. Snaps are images or videos that are shared on the chat. Users can create Snap streaks with other users by exchanging snaps with them. To maintain a Snap streak, both users must send at least one Snap to each other within 24 hours.
  • Snap Map – Snap Maps are a way for people to check the location f their friends. Users can also edit their Snap poses if they want to. Additionally, users can also hide on Snap Map by going into ghost mode.
  • Bitmoji – Bitmoji is 2D and 3D avatars that users can create to put on their Snapchat profiles. Bitmoji avatars are useful to access custom stickers on Snapchat as well as to put a profile picture on Snapchat. Users can also edit the features and clothes of their bitmoji avatars.
  • Snap Code – Snap codes are QR codes of Snapchat profiles that users can share on other social media apps so that they can add more friends. Snap Codes are primarily used to promote your Snapchat profile so that you can ask people to visit your profile and add you on Snapchat as friends if they want to.
  • Discover – The discover page on Snapchat allows users on Snapchat to explore content from other users. The discover page also allows users to find locations, people, and filters if they want to. Users can find people to add to their friend list, or look for filters that they want to use for clicking pictures.
  • Snap Score – Snap scores refer to the usage score of Snapchat. Each interaction on Snapchat like sending snaps, or having conversation add to the Snap score. It is a way to indicate how active a user is on Snapchat.
  • Memories – Memories are essentially a collection of all the images and videos that you have taken on the app. Once you click a snap of any images it s save to your memories even if you do not save it to your gallery. This is a nice way for users to access previous pictures without saving them to their gallery. Users can also export all the images in their memories to their home gallery if they want to.

Final Words

This was all about the meaning of BB on Snapchat and other Snapchat slang terms you must know. If you are new to Snapchat you should also know how to see upcoming birthdays on Snapchat and the meaning of a Gold Heart on the Snapchat chat feature. You can stay tuned with us to learn more about other Snapchat features and updates. You can also learn about the meaning of other Snapchat slang terms with us to ace your social media game.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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