How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram? Learn The Easy Steps Here!


As a social media platform, Instagram is not just a place where you can share posts and stories for your friends and family to see. Instagram has also emerged as a top place for content creators and businesses alike. Its features, like paid partnerships, have made it possible for these sections of users to earn more money on the platform. So, if you’re a business looking to expand, knowing how to add paid partnership on Instagram will help you do that. 

And, well, quite conveniently for you, this article is going to be all about how to add PP on Instagram. So, by the time you reach the end of this post, you will be equipped with one more skill to take your online business and content game to new heights. 

How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram? 

Learning how to add paid partnership on Instagram is quite easy. The job consists of a few simple steps that you can follow. All you have to do is go to the Advanced Settings option when you’re at the final stage of sharing your post. There, you will find the “Add Brand Partners” option using which you will be able to add a paid partnership label to your post. Once you’ve done this, you can proceed with posting. 

And that’s it! Doesn’t it all sound so simple? Well, it truly is. But it’s okay if you still want to learn how to add paid partnership on Instagram in a little more detail. Just keep scrolling through; the steps are discussed and explained better below! 

Also, please note that, as of now, Instagram only allows people with a business or creator account to add the paid partnership label. So, in case you’re using a personal account, you will have to switch to either of these account types before following the below-mentioned methods. 

 How To Put Paid Partnership On Instagram Post?

If you want to add paid partnership label on an Instagram post, follow these steps to get it done:

How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram? Learn The Easy Steps Here!

1. Create A New Post

To learn how to put paid partnership on Instagram post, you have to start with creating a new post first. To do this, you have to open your Instagram account and select the plus icon located at the bottom center of your home page. Then, you have to select some images or videos from your gallery that you want to include in your post. 

2. Edit The Post

Once you’ve selected the content for your post, tap on “Next,” located at the top right corner of the screen, you can edit the post a bit if you want to. When you’re ready to move on to the next step, tap on “Next,” located at the top right corner of the screen, one more time. 

3. Go To Advanced Settings Option

When you’re finally at the last step of sharing, select the “Advanced Settings” option. It will be present somewhere towards the bottom of the page. Then, scroll down to the bottom of this page, and you will find the  “Add partnership label” below the “Branded content” heading. Toggle on the option. 

Now, you will get the “Add Brand Partners” option; select it. Then, in the search bar, you can enter the Instagram username of the brand or person you’re doing a partnership with. Tap on “Add” from the search results, and they will be added. 

After you’ve added a brand partner, tap on “Done,” located at the top right corner of the screen. Then, tap the back arrow located at the top left to go back to the sharing page. 

Once you’re ready to share your post, tap on Share in blue located at the top right corner of the screen. And it’s done! Your post with the paid partnership label with the account you’ve added will be shared on Instagram! 

How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram After Posting?

How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram? Learn The Easy Steps Here!

It’s common for Instagram users to add the paid partnership label while posting and regret it later. It’s okay, though. Instagram understands this. That’s why the platform gives you the option to add the paid partnership label after you’ve shared a post. Follow the steps below to know how it can be done:

Go To The Post

Open Instagram and go to your profile page. There, scroll through your Instagram feed to locate the post you wish to add the paid partnership label. Once you locate the post, tap on it to open it on the screen. 

Edit The Post

Once the post opens, tap on the three-dot icon located at the top right corner of the screen. A menu will appear on the screen upon doing so. Select the Edit option from there. 

Add The Paid Partnership Label

The post will then open in the editing mode. At the top of the page, you will find the “Add Paid Partnership” label. Select it. Then, toggle the “Add paid partnership label” option on and add the Brand partners as you did in the above steps. 

Save your changes, and done! 

How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram Reel After Posting?

Learning how to put paid partnership on iG reel after posting is also quite easy. After all, the steps for this are similar to the ones involved in adding labels after posting. They are as follows:

How To Add Paid Partnership On Instagram? Learn The Easy Steps Here!

Go To The Reel

Open Instagram and navigate to your profile page. There, scroll through the reel section to locate the reel to which you wish to add the paid partnership label. Once you’ve located the reel, tap on it to open it in full screen. 

Edit The Reel

Once the reel has opened in full size, tap on the three-dot icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. A menu will appear on the screen upon doing so. Select the “Manage” option from there. Then, the “Manage your reel” menu will open on the screen. Select the “Edit” option represented by a pencil icon. The reel will now open in the Edit info section. 

Add The Label

In the Edit info section, you will find the “Edit paid partnership label” option. Select it. Then, toggle the “Add paid partnership label” option on and add Brand partners as you did above. Save your changes once you’ve added a partner.

And that’s it! 

Final Words 

Alright then, people! We’ve reached the bottom of this article. And so, by now, you guys have understood how to add paid partnership on Instagram. In this article, I walked you guys through a variety of ways to add the partnership label to a post. You can do it both while you post and after you’ve posted something. So, follow whichever method suits your current requirements and try out this cool feature! In case you encounter any troubles while following any of the above-mentioned steps, feel free to ask for help in the comments section!

Why can’t I add paid partnership on Instagram?

If you can’t add the paid partnership label, then first go to your Account settings on Instagram and check if you’re eligible for it or not. If you’re not eligible, then you need to change that first. 

What is the eligibility for paid partnership on Instagram?

You need to have a creator/ business account. And the branded content that you’re posting on Instagram should be compensated for by the brand you’re partnering with.

Cherry Sharma
Cherry Sharma
Cherry is a Vocational English graduate with a deep love for reading fiction and writing. Cherry is also passionate about psychology and is an advocate of mental health. In her free time, you can catch her making reels and posts around the topics for Instagram. She's constantly brainstorming ideas and googling strategies to grow her own profile. So, on Viebly, she combines her interests and knowledge to write articles that help other people use Instagram better as well.


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