What Does HNY Mean On Snapchat?


Some abbreviations on Snapchat can be confusing. However, as a regular snap chatter, you might know how to use some weird Snapchat lingo with multiple meanings. If you are also a newbie and boggling your head to find what does HNY mean on Snapchat then this article is your savior. 

As we know, Snapchat abbreviations are the fastest way to communicate your thoughts and feelings without using long phrases, but some of these abbreviations can be confusing. So, to make your conversation go smoothly with your Snapchat friend, I’ll tell you what does HNY mean on snap and how to use it when chatting with a friend

HNY on Snapchat means Happy New Year or Honey. Both the terms have different meanings and usage. 

If you are also curious to discover what HNY means on Snapchat and how to use this abbreviation, keep scrolling down the article. 

What Does HNY Mean On Snapchat?

What Does HNY Mean On Snapchat?

If you think that knowing the meaning of HNY can make a pro in the Snapchat language, then you’re wrong. There are many other abbreviations like NBS, ITE, and HB, which you must know to make your conversation run smoothly with your friend. 

Generally, the Snapchat community uses HNY as Happy New Year, meaning greetings of the beginning of a new year. Some people also use HNY as Honey to denote their better half or loved one instead of calling out their name. The following section talks about what HNY stands for on Snapchat and how to use it with the help of some examples. So, let’s dive into the pool of meanings. 

1. HNY As Happy New Year On Snapchat

The most common meaning of HNY on Snapchat is Happy New Year. It is used for greeting friends and family at the beginning of a new year filled with happiness and prosperity. HNY is the shortest and fastest way of greeting people for the new year and the joy it brings with itself. Moreover, using an abbreviated Happy New Year form makes you sound cool and hippy on Snapchat. 

How To Use HNY As Happy New Year On Snapchat?

As we begin a new year, we hope everyone is enthusiastic about it and happiness is spread worldwide. So, to spread joy through our greetings, let us know how to use HNY as Happy New Year on Snapchat with the help of a given example. 


Jane: Hey, HNY! May this New Year bring joy and happiness in your life. 

How To Reply To HNY As Happy New Year On Snapchat?

It’s pretty obvious that someone has greeted you on Snapchat; you ought to reply to them with the same enthusiasm. So, do you know how to reply to HNY as Happy New Year on Snapchat? If not, then check the example below.


Frooti: Hey buddy, HNY! I hope this year brings prosperity and happiness to you in abundance. 

Cherry: Heya! Thank you for your warm wishes, and the same to you. 

2. HNY As Hot N*de Yoga On Snapchat

What Does HNY Mean On Snapchat?

Coming to the second most populous meaning of what HNY stands for on Snapchat is Hot N*de Yoga. It is a form of Tantric meditation where people perform yoga without clothes. The idea behind this yoga is to bring in the culture of self-care routine to boost self-love and confidence. It is a type of spiritual practice that has existed since ancient times. Generally, people suffering from FOMO or low confidence rate should follow this yoga. 

How To Use HNY As Hot N*de Yoga On Snapchat?

Imagine your friend has a low confidence issue and stammers whenever he/she is requested to initiate a conversation. As a good friend you wish to suggest to them about Hot Nude Yoga. How would you say this to them in Snapchat language? If you don’t know an appropriate way, then check the example below.

Wilson: Hey, why don’t you try HNY. it will help in boosting your public speaking confidence. 

How To Reply To HNY As Hot N*de Yoga On Snapchat?

Keeping the above example in mind, if a friend has suggested Hot Nude Yoga for your good, and you are interested in trying it, how would you ask for details and further information? Check the example below for a better understanding. 


Wilson: Hey, why don’t you try HNY. It will help in boosting your public speaking confidence. 

Antonio: Thank you for suggesting. Will it help me get more details for HNY?

3. HNY As Honey On Snapchat

What Does HNY Mean On Snapchat?

The sweet and affectionate meaning of HNY is Honey on Snapchat. It is an informal way of calling out to someone you deeply love. It is a term often used for affection. It is not necessary that people in relationships only use this abbreviation for their better halves. Any person who is in love with the other person and feels affectionate about them can call HNY as Honey. It can be a mother-daughter relationship or even a brother-sister relationship. 

How To Use HNY As Honey On Snapchat?

Using Snapchat abbreviation in daily conversation is where most people get confused. With multiple meanings, it becomes difficult to comprehend for the other person. However, understanding the context of every meaning will make it easy to understand. So, let’s see how to use HNY as Honey on Snapchat. 


Peter: Hey HNY, would you like to go on a date with me?

Charlie: Yes, sweetheart! 

How To Reply To HNY As Honey On Snapchat?

Most people often see HNY as Honey for people in relationships. But what if someday you hear your mother calling you out as honey? How would you reply to her? Check the example below for a better understanding. 


Lorraine: HNY, please get me the ladle from the kitchen.

Tom: Yes, mom, getting it right away! 

Final Words 

I hope by now you’ve clearly understood what does HNY mean on Snapchat and how to use the different meanings of HNY in your conversations. Although the meanings are quite different from each other it is not much difficult to comprehend them. If you found this article useful then do share it with your friends, and don’t forget to add this abbreviation to your Snapchat lingo dictionary. 

What does HMU mean in a text message? 

HMU in a text message means Hit Me Up. 

What does LML stand for?

LML stands for Laughing Mad Loud. 

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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