How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat? 4 Sneaky Ways To Know!


Snapchat is for friends and friends are for Snapchat. While you can have friends who don’t use Snapchat, there isn’t much utility for Snapchat if you don’t have friends. So time to keep your friends even closer! Today we are going to tell you how to tell if someone is ignoring you on Snapchat! So make sure you stick with us till the very end!

Snapchat gives you a lot of privacy features. You can block someone without them knowing, and can even hide someone without blocking. If things get too annoying, you can simply delete friends or mute groups on Snapchat. Personally, if things get too hot to handle, you can always block Snapchat from your phone altogether. But what happens when you’re at the receiving end of someone else abandoning Snapchat?

How to tell if someone is ignoring you on Snapchat? Unfortunately, there is no built-in feature in the app which lets you know if someone is ignoring you. The only way to know for sure if someone is ignoring you is by checking their story, or by seeing if their snap score is going up. As a last resort, you can simply ask the person who you think is ignoring you to confirm your doubts. 

The suspicion that someone might be ignoring you can ruin friendships. It can also be discomforting to many. Even if you are a Snapchat creator or a Snapchat+ user, there is no feature that will give you access to info about another Snapchat user. So your best bet is to rely on unorthodox ways of figuring things out!

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat? All The Possible Solutions You Can Try!

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat? 4 Sneaky Ways To Know!

You don’t want to lose out on a friend and neither should you. In case your friend is ignoring you, give them the benefit of the doubt. It is possible that there must be some error with Snapchat. As glitches often occur with apps. You can also try contacting them over other social media apps like Instagram or WhatsApp and see what’s wrong with them.

If it’s your partner who is ignoring you on Snapchat and you want to know what is going on, might we suggest couples counseling? Anyway, if neither of these options works, check out the four ways that will tell you if someone is ignoring you on Snapchat!

Try Sending Chats Instead Of Just Snaps | Method 1 Of How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat

The primary way of establishing communication on Snapchat is by sending snaps. If you haven’t received snaps from your friend and you think they might be ignoring you it’s time to change the game. You should snap your friend or send them a chat. You can even send them a video or a memory from your collection.

As long as you send them anything, Snapchat will show you that your message is sent. When the other person receives the message, Snapchat will show you ‘received’. Now you know that they are actually active on Snapchat. Finally, when they open your message, you will see the tag ‘viewed’. So if you don’t get any reply from them, it’s confirmed that they are ignoring you!

See If They Are Updating Their Story On Snapchat | Method 2 Of How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat? 4 Sneaky Ways To Know!

Another way, which is not as cumbersome, is to check their story. Snapchat lets you update stories as well as private stories. While you don’t have control over the latter, you do have control over the former. If your friend has updated a story within the last 24 hours, you will be able to see it.

If the story is there and a reply to your message hasn’t come yet. Or if they haven’t even opened your direct message, it’s safe to assume that they are ignoring you. Sorry, it hurts, but at this point, you need to ask your friend what is actually wrong with them!

Check Their Last Location On Snap Map | Method 3 Of How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat

Thanks to the Snap Map feature, you can also tell if your friends are online or using Snapchat. Go to the map on your Snapchat app and look for the bitmoji of your friend. If they have turned this feature on, which is on by default, you will be able to see their last location and the time they were online. If you haven’t heard back from them, this means they are most likely ignoring you.

Check Their Snap Score | Method 4 Of How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Snapchat? 4 Sneaky Ways To Know!

A slightly cumbersome and technical way to find out if someone is ignoring you on Snapchat is by checking their snap score. This is easy to do and requires basic maths skills, but it is too much of a hassle and borderline creepy. All you need to do is remember your friend’s snap score. Then come back to it 24- 48 hours later. 

If their snap score has increased even by a small number, it means that they were online and snapping. Since many would choose not to update their story on Snapchat or turn their location off, snap score is by far the most reliable way. Snap score only changes by exchanging snaps so that means you’re being ignored. Ouch!

Final Words

So, there you have it, folks! This is how to tell if someone is ignoring you on Snapchat! While this is not the ideal situation, we sure hope you don’t have to face it! If there is anything else Snapchat-related, then feel free to drop a comment below! We will definitely try our best to help you out, the best we can!

What happens when someone ignores you on Snapchat?

Technically nothing happens when someone ignores you on Snapchat, but personally, it’s heartbreaking and ego-crushing.

Is it rude to not send a snap back?

Yes, it is considered rude not to reply back to snaps on Snapchat.

How long should I wait before double snapping?

Though there is no official time limit, you can double-snap someone if you’re best friends with them. If it is someone you barely know, we suggest holding out at least a day before you double-snap them!

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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