How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score? 4 Easy Steps To Toggle!


Snapchat is all fun and games until you start getting addicted to the ever-increasing snap score. The social media app becomes a playground where you compete with friends and acquaintances. You play a game where the one with the most snap score wins. Today, we will tell you how to unfreeze your snap score in case you get hit by a glitch or a bug.

While it may not be possible to get the highest snap score ever, you can still be the person with the highest score among your friends! Snapchat does not let you hide your snap score, so everyone around you knows where you stand. Snapchat doesn’t say exactly how your snap score increases, but sending and receiving snaps is an ideal way to make it tick.

But how to unfreeze your snap score, if something like that happens? Usually, the snap score is not hidden or frozen. If your snap score is frozen, then you can try to wait it out or contact customer support. There is no button to flip that will automatically unfreeze your snap score if it is stuck.

If you’re wondering whether there is an option for Snapchat+ users, let me tell you, there’s not. Snapchat score doesn’t freeze often but in the situations that it does, you will have no control over it. While Snapchat gives lots of control over other things like creating filters and setting your story privacy, snap score is an independent entity.

How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score? Everything You Need To Know!

How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score? 4 Easy Steps To Toggle!

One small respite when it comes to owning your snap score is that unless you are a Snapchat creator or have a public profile, your Snap score will be hidden. If someone is trying to sneak up on you and try to check out your stats, then you can live with peace knowing only your friends have access to it. Now, let’s see How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score!

What To Do If Your Snap Score Freezes | How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score 

How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score? 4 Easy Steps To Toggle!

Snapchat has a great customer support system. If your account is experiencing errors or your account has been banned, they will quickly resolve your issue. Similarly, if your snap score freezes, then the best course of action is to wait. But if you don’t want to wait, then you should contact Snapchat customer service. 

Snapchat errors are solved in various ways, and the best way to do it is to wait and not panic. Before you go to customer care asking them to resolve your issue, it’s best you try some of the easy ways out first! Check them out here!

Force Restart Your Snapchat App

If Snapchat has been running in the background for a long time, then it is common to get errors. The best way around it is to force close your app from the recent apps menu. Then relaunch the app back again. This helps in ironing out any glitches. Most common issues are solved by this.

This method works in Android as well as iOS. Though it is usually encouraged to keep your app open as it’s much more efficient this way, it is also a cause of bugs. So swipe up on your iOS as well as Android devices and clear Snapchat from memory. See if the issue resolves itself.

Update Your Snapchat App

Make sure that your Snapchat app is up-to-date. Most often, we forget to auto-update our apps, thus, old versions of the apps develop bugs. This is easily fixable. All you need to do is to go to the App Store on iOS or Play Store on Android. Update Snapchat and open it back again. If there is a glitch, it should have resolved itself. You should now be able to check your snap score.

Restart Your Phone

It’s not just the app that faces issues, it is also possible that your phone might be glitching out. In such cases, the best case scenario is to restart your phone. Mostly, when apps start to accumulate in the phone’s memory, they develop errors. To iron out these issues, you should try to restart your phone and see if your snap score is working now.

Check Your Internet Connection

Lastly, one of the most common yet possible issues is your internet connection. Check if your internet is connected and whether the transfer of data is taking place. Often if the internet is not working, the apps on your phone malfunction. Thus if your snap score is frozen, it is possible because your internet is not working. Toggle your internet and see if that fixes your snap score.

Reasons Why Your Snapchat Score Is Frozen | How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score

How To Unfreeze Your Snap Score? 4 Easy Steps To Toggle!

There is no concrete reason why your Snapchat score might be frozen. Most of the errors on Snapchat come down to errors and bugs. You are most likely to experience bugs and glitches when updating your app. It is also possible that you are experiencing bugs due to not updating your app for a long time. Either reason is possible.

Another reason why your Snapchat is experiencing errors and your snap score is frozen can be due to server issues. The server can be down and experiencing issues, or the server can be overloaded. In both situations, Snapchat might experience issues. The good thing is that in both scenarios, it’s not just Snapchat that is experiencing issues, as server downtimes cause issues for a lot of the masses. 

Once the server is back and running, the issue should be resolved for all in general. In server outages, you can check websites like Twitter in order to confirm whether you’re the one facing the issue or if it is an issue at large.

Another reason for snap score freezing is something that is not so common. This is when someone else’s snap score freezes. If you constantly check the snap score of someone else, it is possible that Snapchat might flag that as a stalking issue. Therefore their snap score is frozen for you. This usually happens with incessant checking, so don’t worry if you check your best friend’s score every day.

Final words

We hope now you know how to unfreeze snap score. If there is anything else you need help with, then feel free to let us know in the comments below!

How long does Snapchat freeze snap scores?

Snapchat scores can freeze due to high server load and app maintenance. Users can check the Snapchat Support Twitter account for updates on the current Snapchat service status. Generally, waiting for a few hours will cause frozen Snap scores to update by themselves.

Does snap score freeze if you check it too much?

Though it’s not an official stand, checking snap score too often puts a load on the server leading it to freeze for longer.

Does Snapchat tell the other person that you checked their Snap score?

Unlike some social media apps, Snapchat does not tell the other person that you checked their profile.

Antra Koul
Antra Koul
With IT codes embedded in her mind and a love for snarky catchphrases and social stalking in her soul, Antra has a lot to balance on her plate. She is here to give you a reality check on everything from social media trends to the latest updates. Be it any Facebook update or a new TikTok trend, she will be your guide who will help you crack tacky social media algorithms.


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