What Does TSTS Mean On Instagram? 4 Fun Meanings Here!


Social media isn’t as inviting of a place as people make it seem. Because hey, look at the kind of language people use to communicate on Instagram— slang. Does anybody care that not all of us are well-versed in the usage of these abbreviations? Don’t you feel alone, though? Articles like this one on what does TSTS mean on Instagram have got your back. By the time you reach the end, you will feel a bit more confident using slang on Instagram or any other social media platform for that matter. 

What Does TSTS Mean On Instagram?

What Does TSTS Mean On Instagram? 4 Fun Meanings Here!

Now, TSTS can mean various different things on Instagram. Here are some of the things that TSTS can mean:

  • Texts 
  • The Same, But Different
  • Texts That Stick
  • Too Sweet To Share

And to be able to use TSTS confidently on Instagram, you will have to learn all these different meanings and their usage. This can seem like a pretty hard task to someone who’s new to the whole texting game. In case you’re someone like that, don’t worry. This article will tell you what does TSTS mean on Instagram in a pretty simplified manner. So, keep reading! 

Does TSTS Mean Texts On Instagram?

One of the answers you can get to what does TSTS mean on Instagram is “Texts.” Sometimes, instead of saying text messages as “texts,” people prefer to use their abbreviated forms, txts or tsts. All of these different ways of referring to messages can be used interchangeably. 

How To Use TSTS On Instagram DMs?

Now that you know what does tsts mean on ig, you must be wondering how you can use it on the platform. The example mentioned below will illustrate the usage of TSTS in this sense. 

Katie: So, how was the change in plans communicated to you?

Tom: Oh well, it was done via TSTS on WhatsApp.

Does TSTS Mean The Same, But Different On Instagram?

What Does TSTS Mean On Instagram? 4 Fun Meanings Here!

Another answer you can get to what does TSTS mean on Instagram text is “The Same, But Different.” It is used to talk about or refer to posts that are similar in nature but still have a creative twist in them. For example, people always make reels on some trend on Instagram. But if someone takes part in the same trend and still does something different of their own, their reel can be called “The Same, But Different.” 

How To Use TSTS On Instagram DMs?

Here’s how you can use TSTS on Instagram:

Tom: Everyone is doing the same thing on Instagram these days. 

Peter: No, they are not. Some people’s take on this trend is TSTS! 

How To Reply To TSTS On Instagram DMs? 

When someone uses TSTS in this sense, it usually means that they are appreciating someone else’s creativity. So, you too can share your opinions on the same. You can compliment the person that is being talked about here if you too like their work.

Does TSTS Mean Texts That Stick On Instagram?

Another popular answer to what does tsts stand for on Instagram is “Texts That Stick On Instagram.” This term is used to refer to text-based posts on Instagram. You see, Not all carousel posts have to be pictures and videos. Some of them can be TSTS posts as well. 

This means that if you ever make a post that has some meaningful information packed in short and crisp sentences spread over a few slides of a post, then it basically means that you’ve made a TSTS post. 

How To Use TSTS On Instagram DMs?

TSTS is not just a kind of post that you will come across on Instagram. It is also an abbreviation that you will often see being used in conversations. So, if you’ve understood what does tsts mean on Instagram from a guy, here’s how you can use it while texting with someone on the platform

Peter: If I want to grow on Instagram, what kind of posts should I make?

Jake: These days, TSTS posts are doing really well on Instagram. You can try making those kinds of posts!

How To Reply To TSTS On Instagram DMs? 

If someone is using TSTS to describe the kind of posts that they see on Instagram, then maybe you, too, can share your opinions on them. For example, if someone says that TSTS posts do well on Instagram, then you can share your thoughts on the matter. You can let them know if you agree with that or not. 

Does TSTS Mean Too Sweet To Share On Instagram?

What Does TSTS Mean On Instagram? 4 Fun Meanings Here!

Do you ever come across something so appealing that you’d like to keep to yourself on Instagram? If yes, you can use “Too Sweet To Share” to refer to that thing. Because one of the answers that you can expect to get to what does TSTS mean on Instagram is “Too Sweet To Share” as well. It refers to things that are so alluring that you’d want 

How To Use TSTS On Instagram DMs?

TSTS can also be used in conversations on Instagram. Here’s what doing this can look like:

Tom: Who was that creator you were really influenced by?

Katie: Oh, she’s TSTS! I’m keeping her to myself for now! 

H5 – Final Words 

Alright then, everyone! This is what does TSTS mean on Instagram! In this article, I walked you gus through one of the most popular abbreviations on Instagram. So, I hope you will feel just a little more confident in using it as and when required! And all in all, I hope you feel just a tad bit more comfortable with using slang on social media. 


What does wyll mean in Instagram texts 

WYLL stands for “What You Look Like” on Instagram. It is used to ask someone about their physical appearance on Instagram. 

What does MSM mean on Instagram DMs

MSM stands for “Mainstream media” on Instagram DMs. It is used to refer to media outlets like newspapers and news shows that are popular forms of consuming news. 

What does TST mean on Instagram texts 

TST stands for toast on Instagram.

Cherry Sharma
Cherry Sharma
Cherry is a Vocational English graduate with a deep love for reading fiction and writing. Cherry is also passionate about psychology and is an advocate of mental health. In her free time, you can catch her making reels and posts around the topics for Instagram. She's constantly brainstorming ideas and googling strategies to grow her own profile. So, on Viebly, she combines her interests and knowledge to write articles that help other people use Instagram better as well.


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