How To Find First Liked On Instagram In 2023? Know The Easy Way Here! 


So, you already know that social media platforms are notorious for their trends and challenges. Every day you come across something that makes your mind go bonkers and still makes you jump on the trend. Because hey, FOMO is a real thing. Anyways, finding your first liked post on Instagram is quite trendy these days. If you want to know why it is so or how to find first liked on Instagram, keep reading this article! 

So, first of all, why are we required to hunt down our first liked post on Instagram? Well, it’s for a TikTok and Twitter trend, in which, people share the first post they liked in the form of a video. And, you’ll be amazed to know that videos on these challenges are fetching thousands of likes and views. Sounds crazy, right? I know. But at the same time, I’m sure you’d want to hop on the challenge as well. Keep scrolling to know how to find first liked on Instagram. 

Here’s How To Find First Liked On Instagram | Do It Using These Simple Steps! 

Now, you might be thinking that learning how to find first liked on Instagram and then following through the steps is going to be an arduous task. Because you know when you made your Instagram account– probably hundreds or thousands of years ago, and now, you’ll have to scroll through the app endlessly to track your activity. 

Well, not really. Instagram has plenty of useful features. One such feature of the app makes it easier for you to get to the beginning of your journey on the platform in a few simple steps. And that godsend feature is mentioned below. 

How To Find First Liked On Instagram In A Few Simple Steps?

How To Find First Liked On Instagram In 2023? Know The Easy Way Here! 

Oh, and before we proceed any further, let me warn you that there is going to be nothing nostalgic or wholesome about this quest. People’s findings– the first post that they liked on Instagram– usually make them cringe or embarrassed. You might end up feeling the same way. So, consider yourself warned! 

Now, with the necessary disclaimer out of the way, here’s how to find first liked on Instagram:

  • Open Instagram. 
  • Tap on the profile icon at the bottom right of the feed. 
  • Then, tap on the hamburger icon located at the top right corner of the screen. 
  • From the menu that appears, choose the Your Activity option. 
  • Next, tap the Interactions option. 
  • From there, choose the Likes option. 
  • Now, use the ‘Sort & Filter’ option to make your search easier and faster. 
  • Next, tap on the Sort by option. 
  • From here, choose the Oldest to Newest option. 
  • Now, tap the Apply button in blue.
  • After a couple of seconds, a page will appear and show you all the posts that you’ve liked so far. Because of the filter, you’ll see the post that you liked first at the top. 
  • Tap on the post to enlarge it. 

And, that’s it! Now, after you’ve found your first liked post on Instagram, you can take a screenshot of it and share it on TikTok or Twitter. In case you don’t want to do that, you can keep the screenshots to yourself, in the safety of your phone’s gallery. This way you might end up saving yourself from public humility too! 

Final Words

Alright, people! This was how to find first liked on Instagram!! In this article, I walked you through all the steps required to find the first post you engaged with on the gram! So, go, follow these steps, and see what your journey on the app has been like! Also, don’t forget to share your experience with me in the comments below! I’d love to know what the first post was all about! 

How do you see your first Instagram post without scrolling?

To see someone’s first post on Instagram without scrolling, you can use the “Follow” option. This will show their latest posts in chronological order, which is the same way that they are shown when scrolling through their profile.

Can you see older activity on Instagram?

Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile. Tap at the top. Tap Your activity, then tap Account history. Scroll to view all the changes you’ve made to your account.

Can you retroactively hide likes on Instagram?

To turn off the like counts after you’ve already posted, go to your post and tap the three dots in the top right corner of your screen (the same path you would take to delete or archive the photo or video). From there, select Hide like count.

Is Instagram removing likes 2022?

Instagram will no longer publicly display the number of likes generated by posts unless the user chooses to make the like count public

Cherry Sharma
Cherry Sharma
Cherry is a Vocational English graduate with a deep love for reading fiction and writing. Cherry is also passionate about psychology and is an advocate of mental health. In her free time, you can catch her making reels and posts around the topics for Instagram. She's constantly brainstorming ideas and googling strategies to grow her own profile. So, on Viebly, she combines her interests and knowledge to write articles that help other people use Instagram better as well.


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