How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh? 2 Easy-Breezy Ways Here! 


You might think that scrolling through social media platforms for hours at end drains your mobile device’s battery. But hey, the problem continues even when you keep your phone aside and take a break from Instagram, Snapchat, etc. If you know what background app refresh or background data usage is, then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. However, this problem can be resolved if you learn how to turn off Instagram background app refresh. Lucky for you, this article is going to discuss just that. So, make sure you scroll through it to the end! 

Here’s How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh In Two Different Ways! 

Now, don’t go around vilifying the background app refresh feature. Even though it drains your mobile data and battery, it does serve an important purpose. You see when the option is turned on, it allows apps to search for new information, even though they are not open on the screen. This way, you continue receiving messages and notifications, and your feed keeps getting refreshed, even when the app isn’t turned on. 

This saves you from the necessity of waiting for the app to get updated when you launch it. But again, this comes at the cost of your mobile data and battery. However, if you limit the number of apps the background app refresh feature is turned on for, you will be able to save your battery from getting drained and extend its longevity as well. You can do so for the apps that you rarely use and the ones you frequently open, for example, Instagram. 

Since you already keep opening Instagram every now and then, you will not have to wait for the app to get updated with all the latest notifications. So, keep scrolling through to know how to turn off Instagram background app refresh on iPhone and Android devices. 

How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh On iPhone?

How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh? 2 Easy-Breezy Ways Here! 

By now, I’m sure you’ve figured out that Instagram itself doesn’t provide users with a feature to stop it from auto-refreshing. You will have to go to the Settings app of your iPhone to do this. So, if you want to know how to turn off Instagram background app refresh on your iPhone, follow these simple steps:

  • Open the Settings app on your iPhone. 
  • Then, tap on the General tab.
  • In the General tab, you will have the “Background App Refresh” option. Tap on it. 
  • Scroll through the list of apps to locate Instagram.
  • Once you do, toggle the switch present next to Instagram. 

And that’s it! By doing so, the background app refresh will be turned off for Instagram, thereby helping you save battery. 

How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh On Android?

How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh? 2 Easy-Breezy Ways Here! 

If you use an Android device, you can turn off the background data usage option to save your battery. Here’s how this can be done (the steps can differ on the basis of the Android model you’re using)

  • Open the settings app on your device:
  • Tap on the Wi-Fi option. 
  • From here, tap on the “Data Usage” option. 
  • Then select “Mobile data usage.” 
  • A list of apps will appear on the screen, select Instagram from the list and toggle off the “Allow Background Data Usage”. 

And that’s it! You can now save battery on your Android device!

Alternatives To Turning Off Instagram Background App Refresh

How To Turn Off Instagram Background App Refresh? 2 Easy-Breezy Ways Here! 

Here, I’m not ruling out the possibility that you’re someone who doesn’t open Instagram every other minute. And, if you’re someone like that, then turning off the background app refresh for Instagram can hinder you

Because this means whenever you open the app, you will have to wait for a while to receive all the latest updates. And the waiting part can be a mood-kill. 

So, if you want to leave the background app refresh option turned on while also being able to save your mobile data and battery, then you should consider some alternatives to this feature. For example, the Low Power/ Power Saving mode on your device. 

If you want your device’s battery to last longer and not get drained by background processes, then you should turn on this mode. When your device has the Low Power mode turned on, a couple of things happen, including the background app refresh option getting turned off completely. 

So, if this is something you wish to do, follow these steps (some of these steps may differ according to different devices):

  • Go to the Settings app. 
  • Tap on the Battery option. 
  • Toggle the “Low Power Mode” on. 
  • A confirmation pop-up will appear on the screen. Tap on “Continue”. 

And, done! You can retrace the above-mentioned steps if you wish to turn off the Lower Power Mode. 

Final Words

Alright then, people! We’ve reached the bottom of this post, and so I hope you’ve understood how to turn off Instagram background app refresh! This article discussed two different ways of turning off the background app refresh (iPhone) or background data usage (Android). So, follow whichever method suits your device and save your device’s battery from getting drained! And, in case you need additional assistance in the process, please ask for it in the comments section! 

What kills iPhone battery health?

Plenty of things can kill the battery of your iPhone. For example, exposing your iPhone to temperatures higher than 35 degrees celsius can deteriorate your battery’s health. This means your device isn’t going to be powered for long with whatever battery it has. 

Is it OK to disable all background apps?

You can disable auto-refresh for apps if you don’t mind waiting for them to get updated every time you open them. 

How do I stop apps from draining my iPhone battery?

You can stop apps from draining your iPhone’s battery by turning off the auto-refresh option and deleting the apps you don’t use. To discover these apps, go to the Battery section in your device’s Settings app and tap “Last 10 days”. This will show you how many apps you’ve used in this duration. On the basis of this, you can decide which app to keep and which app you should let go of. 

Cherry Sharma
Cherry Sharma
Cherry is a Vocational English graduate with a deep love for reading fiction and writing. Cherry is also passionate about psychology and is an advocate of mental health. In her free time, you can catch her making reels and posts around the topics for Instagram. She's constantly brainstorming ideas and googling strategies to grow her own profile. So, on Viebly, she combines her interests and knowledge to write articles that help other people use Instagram better as well.


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