How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram? 3 Smart Ways To Know! 


All of us here love and enjoy receiving a large number of likes on our Instagram stories and posts. Don’t we? It actually means that people are into the content that goes up on our gram. And what better feeling can there be for content creators or business owners? But, what if the likes you receive are not genuine? What if bots and fake accounts are the ones engaging with your posts? Well, if so happens, you must find out how to stop spam likes on Instagram. Because bot activity never did anyone any good. 

Here’s How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram | 3 Ways To Keep Your Account Safe! 

You may want to overlook spam activity in favor of the sudden increase in the likes on your posts and stories. But hey, it’s extremely harmful for your posts to be getting spam likes. Because it can result in your account getting flagged or suspended for absolutely no mistake of yours. This can happen particularly when bots are the ones to like your posts. The same may not happen with fake accounts. However, they too can leave you feeling awkward and unsafe on social media. 

So, if you’re concerned about your safety on this app, you need to know how to stop spam likes on Instagram. The sections below discuss the same. So, make sure you don’t skip any one of them!

How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram Using A Private Account?

How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram? 3 Smart Ways To Know!

Although spam activity can increase your account’s engagement, it is no secret that it comes with a lot of trouble, which is totally not going to be worth it. So, if you want to steer clear of all the chaos attached to spam activity on your profile, it will be better if you turn your public profile into a private one. 

This way, people will have to send you follow requests to be your follower. And so, you will have more control over who views your profile or interacts with the content present on your profile. If you suspect that someone’s profile looks suspicious, you can simply delete their request. 

If this sounds like a plan, follow these steps to turn your public profile into a private one:

  • Open Instagram
  • Tap the profile icon located at the bottom right of the screen. 
  • Then, tap the hamburger icon located at the top right. 
  • Select the Settings and privacy option from the menu that appears. 
  • Under the “Who can see your content” section, you will have the Account privacy option, tap on it. 
  • Then, toggle the “Private account” option. 
  • If you’ve got a business account on Instagram, you will be asked to first asked to switch a personal account. Because business profiles can’t be made private. Once that’s done, you will be able to have a private account. 

And, that’s it! Once your profile has been made private, you will be able to save yourself from spam likes! 

How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram By Turning Off Follow Suggestions?

How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram? 3 Smart Ways To Know!

Instagram follow suggestions are a wonderful way to gain more followers or have people discover you and your profile. However, at the same time, this feature can lead you to follow accounts you don’t know. And these accounts can be fake. 

One way to avoid this happening is to turn off the follow suggestions. Here’s how this can be done:

  • Open Instagram. 
  • Tap the profile icon located at the bottom right of the screen. 
  • Then, tap the hamburger icon present at the top right of the screen. 
  • From the menu that appears, select the “Discover People” option. 
  • Tap on the “X” button in front of all the accounts that appear in the list. Doing this will remove them as a suggestion from your account. 

And, that’s it! The accounts will now be removed from the list! Also, please note that this method is only going to remove the accounts for a while. This method is not a permanent fix to turn off suggestions. 

How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram By Blocking And Reporting Accounts?

How To Stop Spam Likes On Instagram? 3 Smart Ways To Know!

Do you know what’s the best way to keep fake accounts and bots at bay and not let them harm your account? You guessed it right. It’s blocking and reporting accounts as and when you come across them.

Blocking an account is going to restrict their access to you. And reporting it will let Instagram know that this account is proving troublesome to Instagram’s community. This way, they will also take action against the account and delete it. 

So, follow these steps to block and report an account:

  • Open Instagram
  • Locate the profile of the person you think is fake or is a bot. To do this, you can go through your followers and the following list. Or, you can directly search for them using the search bar. 
  • Once you open their profile page, tap the three-dot icon located at the top right of the screen. 
  • From the menu that appears, choose “Block.” 
  • From the next menu, choose “Block and report”
  • Once the account is blocked, Instagram will present you with a list of reasons that you can choose to report the account. Choose “Something else” from the list. 
  • Then tap “It’s spam.”

And, that’s it! The account is now going to be reported and blocked. So, no more spam likes! 

Final Words

Okay, everyone! This is how to stop spam likes on Instagram! In this article, I walked you through three different methods, along with their steps, that you can make use of to manage and control spam activity on your account! There’s no one method that will help you fix your spam trouble. At any given time, you may have to make use of a combination of at least two of these methods to get the job done. However, carrying out these steps will help in keeping your account from getting flagged! 

Why am I getting so many spam likes on IG?

If you’re getting a lot of spam likes on IG, it can be because of third party apps that create automated likes, comments, and follows for Instagram pages so that they appear to be more famous than they are. 

Why are spam accounts liking my posts?

Liking posts and stories is a tactic for fake accounts to appear legitimate on Instagram. 

Does Instagram detect fake likes?

Yes, Instagram has procedures in place to distinguish fake likes from real ones. And well, so does your audience. 

Are spam followers bad?

Yes, spam followers are bad as they may end up harming your engagement rate. They can also get our account suspended on the platform. 

Cherry Sharma
Cherry Sharma
Cherry is a Vocational English graduate with a deep love for reading fiction and writing. Cherry is also passionate about psychology and is an advocate of mental health. In her free time, you can catch her making reels and posts around the topics for Instagram. She's constantly brainstorming ideas and googling strategies to grow her own profile. So, on Viebly, she combines her interests and knowledge to write articles that help other people use Instagram better as well.


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