What Does Forward Mean On Instagram In 2023? Learn It Here! 


It’s alright, you can claim to be a self-certified Instagram expert just because you have the ability to scroll through this social media app for hours and not get bored. But despite this, I’m pretty sure there are some weird abbreviations, useful features, and the simplest of icons that you don’t know the meaning of. And because you love Instagram, I’m sure you’re open to learning more. So, read this to know what does forward mean on Instagram and enhance your knowledge! 

Oh, and I didn’t mean to be condescending above. Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms out there. The app likes to introduce new features every now and then to keep users on their toes. So, even though you’ve been an avid Instagram user, chances are you don’t know everything about the app. However, you can bridge the gap by reading articles like this one. So, keep reading to know what does forward mean on Instagram!

Find Out What Does Forward Mean On Instagram Here | Meaning & Importance Of This Story Metric! 

Above, I said that Instagram keeps introducing latest features on a daily basis. The meaning of forward is related to Instagram Insights, one of the recent additions to the app. If you use a business account on Instagram, then chances are, you know at least something about Insights and their usefulness for Instagram businesses and content creators. But, if you use a private account, then it’s highly likely that you’re not aware of it. 

So, make sure to read this article to find out what does forward mean on Instagram!   

Meaning Of Story Insights

What Does Forward Mean On Instagram In 2023? Learn It Here!

As I said, the meaning of forward tap has got something to do with Instagram Insights. Well, to be more specific, forward taps on Instagram are related to story metrics. 

Instagram stories are a wonderful way of staying connected with your audience, making announcements, and getting to know your audience better. Naturally, people want to make the best possible use of the story feature. But, even after doing everything right, how do you know if the stories that you post are performing well? How do you know that they are reaching enough people and that people are engaging with them the way you want them to?

That’s where story metrics come into the picture. You can use story metrics to analyze the performance of your stories. And, if some of your stories aren’t doing well on Instagram then you can make changes accordingly. 

Different Kinds Of Story Metrics

What Does Forward Mean On Instagram In 2023? Learn It Here!

So, there are different kinds of navigation metrics that you can make use of to understand how well your stories are performing on the gram. There are forward taps that tell you how many times a viewer has tappen the right side of the story to move forward and see the next story. There’s a backward tap that lets you know the number of times users have gone back to view the previous story once again. 

Then, there are exits that show the number of users who have exited the story. Unlike others, a greater number of exits shows that the story you posted didn’t sit well with the audience. Replies show the number of people who responded/ replied to the story you posted. 

Analyzing these different metrics, over a period of time, helps you understand what your audience likes to see more of. For example, your audience might engage with Instagram polls more than the videos that you upload.  A greater number of back taps can be taken in a positive light. Because they basically show that some users wanted to have a second look at the content you posted; they found it interesting.

Once you have this kind of information about your account, you will be able to adjust your growth strategy accordingly. So, you see forward taps on Instagram carry a significant meaning on Instagram as well. If you want to understand this metric in greater detail, the next section is for you. 

What Does Forward Mean On Instagram?

What Does Forward Mean On Instagram In 2023? Learn It Here!

Sometimes, users tap the right side of the screen to view the next photo or video or slide in your Instagram story– this is for the times you post multiple stories in a single day. The number present next to ‘Forward’ shows the number of times someone tapped the right side of the screen to see what the next slide holds. 

This can be taken in both and positive or negative light at the same time. A greater number of forward taps don’t need to be a cause of worry because plenty of Instagram users tend to scroll through the app only fleetingly; nobody actually pays attention to the kind of content they are consuming. This might sound hurtful given the kind of effort you put into curating your stories, but it is true. 

This can also be taken negatively because a greater number of forward taps can mean that your stories are not interesting enough; they fail to hold or capture the attention of your audience. So, they simply move to the next story. 

Final Words

Alright, people! This is what does forward mean on Instagram! The forward tap is an important story metric for people who run businesses on Instagram. It lets them know how well their stories are doing. So, I hope you’ve understood this metric well! In case you have any doubts, feel free to ask them in the comments below! 

What’s the difference between forward and next story?

Forward Taps: Number of times someone tapped to the next story. Back Taps: The number of times someone tapped back to see the previous story. Next Story Swipes: The number of times someone swiped to the next story. Exit Story Taps: The number of times someone exited your story.

Can someone see if you forward Instagram story?

Currently, there is no way of seeing precisely who sent or shared your story unless they have tagged you in the process in which case you will receive a notification in your DMs.

Can you see how many times someone views your Instagram?

Below a video, you can see a count of how many times it’s been viewed. A video’s view count is visible to anyone who can see the post. Note that you’re not able to see the number of views for videos that you’ve shared as part of a post with multiple photos and videos.

Can someone see how many times I view their Instagram page?

Instagram doesn’t allow users to see who views their profile. So if you look through someone’s profile and don’t like or comment on a post, there’s no way for them to know who sees the pictures

Cherry Sharma
Cherry Sharma
Cherry is a Vocational English graduate with a deep love for reading fiction and writing. Cherry is also passionate about psychology and is an advocate of mental health. In her free time, you can catch her making reels and posts around the topics for Instagram. She's constantly brainstorming ideas and googling strategies to grow her own profile. So, on Viebly, she combines her interests and knowledge to write articles that help other people use Instagram better as well.


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